Comments: Lined up in the front and outside, that worked pretty well. felt pretty good in the swim, it was hard to see the buoy's as the sun was right in line with them going out. I felt I swam a pretty wide to the first buoy. Then navigated pretty well. Transition 1
Comments: felt this went pretty well, but would like to take another 10 seconds off, got otu of my wetsuit and shoes and helmet on ok, ran with bike to the bike mount, ran past bike mount and then hopped on and cliped in. Bike
Comments: I wasn't as strong on the bike this year as last, took me a while to get up to speed and then couldn't hold it, wanted to avg at least 19.7 but only hit 19.1 What would you do differently?: I think I need more speed/hill training on the bike next year. Transition 2
Comments: was able to run pretty well off of the bike to the rack, shoes didn't gon on quite a smooth as I would have liked, but managed pretty well. Ran with race belt and visor. Run
Comments: felt pretty slow, but steady up to the flat part, then was able to steadily pick up some speed to the turn around, held it, continued to speed up a little, then was able to stretch it out on the downhill for a good finish Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: it got pretty warm up on the road, just kept convincing myself it wasn't that hot, and I didn't have far to go. Event comments: Had a great race, just need to improve my strength on the bike. Last updated: 2011-02-23 12:00 AM
United States
Downing Events
Overall Rank = 92/2411
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 2/197
Ate a bagel with peanut butter, drank a gatorade in transition and ate a bananna. Drank some coffee and stretched.