Comments: Definitely need more work on my swim. Only one person passed me - the woman immediately behind me after about 100 yds. This actually worked out well, as I was able to draft for most of the race. My swim endurance is pathetic though, as I could fell my stroke falling apart at the end. What would you do differently?: More endurance would have allowed me to draft for the entire swim. Transition 1
Comments: Got a great rack spot - this race definitely has a correct place to rack for quick transitions, and not many people are aware of this or care, as there are lots of beginners. Put my bike shoes on in transition, as they're very tough to get into and out of on the bike. Glad I figured this out ahead of time. What would you do differently?: Not sure I can get much quicker without new shoes that can be done up on the bike. Bike
Comments: Felt pretty good, this is my first race with a new (to me) 07 Transition. I've only ridden a few times. This is about 3 minutes lower than my time on this course in May. Not sure how much is due to bike and how much to me. Had to slow up once for a guy who was taking the whole lane and his sweet time to pass another rider. What would you do differently?: One of my arm rests was not tight enough and slipped down during the race. Annowing, but not fatal. Need to get a few more mph on the bike to be really competitive. I think that primarily means getting up to speed quickly out of the turns, as there are a lot of them. Transition 2
Comments: Pretty good, had to take shoes off in t1, as I cant' do it on the bike. What would you do differently?: Not much. Run
Comments: This was my EXACT time from the May race on this course. Weird. Felt pretty good, found a few people to chase which kept my pace up. Post race
Warm down: Walking around listening to the top finishers wish they could get from 25 mph on the bike up to 26 or 27. I feel for them and their Felt DA's. ;) What limited your ability to perform faster: Training time. I need more endurance for the swim and run, and more strength on the bike. Event comments: Well organized, well laid out, good traffic control, like the snake swim. This is a nice flat course to get baseline times. Reasonably priced too. I wish it wasn't so far from my house. Last updated: 2011-09-12 12:00 AM
United States
Fort Collins Club
60F / 16C
Overall Rank = 16/248
Age Group = M30-34
Age Group Rank = 4/12
Up at 4:45, banana and granola bar, coffee for the road
a little stretching and a few laps in the warm up pool