Comments: Well organized, well laid out, good traffic control, like the snake swim. This is a nice flat course to get baseline times. Reasonably priced too. I wish it wasn't so far from my house.
Comments: I would definitely do this one again. The course markings were top notch and the people were great. Organization was excellent. And who can be upset with a pancake breakfast??
Comments: 19/110 sex rank (I think, I had to cout the roster so I may be one or two off). Overall this was a great first race! I didn't overexert myself and I biked and ran a lot faster then I thought I could. I am extermely happy with my performance! The girl in my age group who got first only beat me by 15 seconds which I think I could have made up for if I had not been blocked in the swim and my brakes had not rubbed. This was so much fun!
Comments: I still love this race and I can't wait to see my improvement next May after my marathon training for Team In Training (check my signature to donate and help me run to fight Leukemia!)
Comments: It was a good race but I don't think it's going to make my race calander next season. Then again, who knows, I may pull a Stacie and register the night before.
Comments: Hey - We won in our division - Female relays - by a comfortable margin of 6 minutes. Yeah...I had the slowest swim time of the female relay competitors - but none of them jumped on the bike after the swim going almost 19mph for 41 minutes :-) All in all - we had a blast and can't wait for next year.
We waited around for the awards ceremony - which took forever - and of course our division was the LAST one to go...but hey - our first tri - our first first place - and we have a nifty plaque to prove it!!!
Check out JodiLynn's race report for this same race - She's my other daughter who was doing this as her first tri!!! She did awesome - and is sooooo talented.
Stacie - Sorry I couldn't stop and chat more - I didn't want that lady to close the door on me!!! Next time - we need to figure out a way to identify the BT'ers. I didn't get to meet any of the others - and I was bummed about that.
Comments: We had to wait around for 2 and a half hours for them to start the awards ceremony. They didn't even post race results until 2 hours after we were done. So that was kinda a bummer. But my mom and sister got first place in the female relay division. So woo hoo!!! I got 6th in my age group, but its ok. My goal was to make it under an hour and a half, and I made it in 1:20:58. So I'm satisfied. Next time, I want to try and see if I can place in my age group. But after all, this was my first tri. I've learned a lot and I'm sure I'll do better when this race comes around again in May of next year. I finished middle of the pack and I'm satisfied with that.
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