JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge - Run3.5 Mile

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Rochester, New York
United States
JPMorgan Chase
?72F / 0C
Total Time = 41m 45s
Overall Rank = /9700+
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Home from work - 30 min nap - made 'Y muffins' for me & Dexter - picked Dexter up from work and made our way to Marketplace - shuttle was easy to RIT - took a bit of work to find our tent.
Event warmup:

Let's see...walking around RIT to find 'The Bowl' and U of R tent.....deciding to stand in the ridiculously long BR line and forgetting to bring a wet wipe with me (which I had packed in my bag)...saved a place in line for a lady who ran over to take a look and see if there were other bathrooms where the lines were shorter.....the lines were longer so we let her in front of us....turns out she was Linda who organizes the Finger Lakes Triathalon that Dexter is entered in....walked over to the 12 minute start line.....tied my shoes & waited
  • 41m 45s
  • 3.5 miles
  • 11m 56s  min/mile

Met up with one of the MD's I work with at Highland and chit chatted -- Kind of a run/walk thing going on at the start since there were so many feet everywhere -- Got Dexter in the right position (on my left at about 11 o'clock) and started the run -- saw one of our old neighbors on the way -- shins were hurting a bit as I didn't walk as much or as fast as I usually do before I start running -- it was cool, but high humidity -- passed mile 1 and thought, 'ok, this is ok, but can I get to 2?' -- pushed on -- being that this was my first organized run, I was amazed at all of the different physiques out there! -- got a little agitated that the guy pushing a stroller was beating me (poor me) -- realized that I was not the only one who was thinking about my shorts creeping up between my thighs (not by a long shot) -- got passed by another MD I work with, called to him and he kindly slowed down enough to chat with us for a minute -- then he went ahead and caught up with the other MD - Saw the big 2 mile mark and I was still running! -- then it happened...a lady was down and appeared to be having a seizure -- I am thankful that my 2 good samaritan MD's were right there and stopped to help -- Dexter and I stopped as well, thankfully the lady was starting to come around and they said we could move on -- unfortunately there were NO race staff in site and they had to call 911, which seems odd somehow as there were EMT's and everything on site -- seems like a round about way to get help -- we were stopped for a couple of minutes and it felt ok to get running again -- went a ways and then got to the wheezing stage -- picked up water and proceeded to choke on the first sip -- walked for a 1/4 mile (tops) and then ran again -- all the way to the FINISH!!!! (btw, Dexter took my hand as we were crossing the line)
What would you do differently?:

Fast power walk before the race - Stretch for a good 5 minutes like I do every other time I run (for some reason, I thought it would be a bit 'weak' of me to do so since I only saw 1 other person stretching post race), duh
Post race
Warm down:

Kept walking for a while - sports drink - water - banana - change to a dry shirt - back to tent for veggie burger, red peppers & a coke

Event comments:

No chips, cookies, or anything at the race -- I had my mind set on a soft-serve twist -- So....the 2 places we tried to go to were closed, boo hoo -- poor Dexter had to pee so bad that got me laughing pretty good, so we just went home --finished my can of Coke, took a shower and went to bed!

Last updated: 2006-05-01 12:00 AM
00:41:45 | 03.5 miles | 11m 56s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/9700+
Performance: Good
Course: wide open spaces -- nice winding course with only a slight 'up' before the 2 mile mark
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4