![]() Swim
Comments: Panicked bad early. Couldn't get into a rhythm, got about 50 yards out, and got a kayaker to throw me a noodle. Chlled for a minute on the noodle and then worked to the first bouy. Hung on a kayak there for a couple minutes, then went to the second bouy, hung again on a kayak. Still freaked out about not being able to see or get into rhythm, seemed to get a mouthful of water with every breath. Finally gave up and just backstroked the last leg of the swim. Horrible swim, but I finished it. What would you do differently?: At this point, nothing. Going forward, just more time in the water. I've only been swimming for about 2 months now, so I'm confident I can improve with some coaching/training. Need more open water work as well. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Had a snafu since someone was kind enough to knock my helmet off my bike for me and I couldn't find it,my skull cap, or my sunglasses initially. Otherwise, transition went smoothly, except for the nagging near vomiting sensation I had running to transition after swallowing what seemed to be about a gallon of lake water. What would you do differently?: Need more "jump on the bike practice", ![]() Bike
Comments: Slow start on the bike after the crap swim. Took a couple miles before I felt like myself on the bike. Thought I was faster because it seemed every time I looked down I was doing 20-21 MPH, but the clock doesn't lie. The ride into transition was kind of confusing. Would have pushed harder had I known where I was going. Felt like I passed who I was supposed to pass, and got passed by who was supposed to pass me based on where I think my cycling is. I need more time in the saddle but overall I'm happy with the ride. What would you do differently?: Stay in aero more. Walk the bike course in/out before the race. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Very smooth transition. Running barefoot on concrete while rolling a bike kinda stinks. Practiced transitioning the day before the race and it paid off for me, as my running gear was well laid out. What would you do differently?: Nothing. ![]() Run
Comments: Felt good on the run... really good. Thought I paced well and consistently, as my mile splits were all within a couple seconds of each other. I was especially surprised by this since it was warm and sunny on the course and that usually effects me a bit, but I'm guessing the adrenaline dump of the race overcame that. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Great run for me. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Drank some water, walked around a bit, watched some bikes come into transition for the Olympic race, found the beer wagon and the jambalaya. Talked to some people including a pro. Then went to the last aid station to wait for a friend and ran the last .1 miles with her for moral support (in beach shorts and crocs). What limited your ability to perform faster: My (lack of) swimming ability. A decent swim could have put me in a better position on the bike, which probably would have resulted in a better bike leg. And I'm sure the frustration with the swim probably cost me 20 seconds per mile on the run. Event comments: Live music at the post-race party would have been perfect. Overall, it was a good day for my first complete Tri. Last updated: 2013-04-02 12:00 AM
United States
Premier Event Management
85F / 29C
Overall Rank = 109/258
Age Group = M40-44
Age Group Rank = 12/16
Arrived at transition at 5 AM (Soooo early). Racked my bike, laid out shoes/belt/etc. Made small talk with the guys racked near me. Walked around transistion looking at bikes, saying hi to people I know, etc. Changed into my tri-suit, noticed my heart rate was mid-high 60s.
Walking, stretching, staying loose. Unable to get in the water.