Comments: No problems swimming, since I went out with the good swimmers, I lined up farther back, still had to navigate around some slower swimmers, pretty congested to the first buoy then had pretty clean swimming from there, felt like I was one of the last blue caps out of the water and the racks were pretty empty when I got to transition. Felt like I swam well, just slow. What would you do differently?: Nothing, just needed to keep up the training better after Boulder HIM Transition 1
Comments: pretty clean transition, no problems, long run to the bike mount, and did a running mount on the bike that went smoothly Bike
Comments: I knew the bike was going to be hard for me, I had virtually no quality training leading up to the race, just wanted to push and try and get close to 19mph average, lost my water bottle and nutrtion at about mile 3-4, just fell out of the cage. had a decent bike, passed a couple of girls, like I said, those blue caps had a pretty good head start on me. Transition 2
Comments: again, went pretty well, had a pretty good dismount from the bike, swung my leg over, and clipped out, changed shoes and headed out. Run
Comments: I managed running up the hill pretty well, walked through the aid stations, I got a stitch up on the dam road, so walked a little, wanted to be in good shape when we headed back down the hill, I hit the top of the hill and started picking up speed, and ended up picking off a lady in a full on sprint to the finish, to get 2nd in my AG. Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: Lack of specific training Event comments: Happy to have this one under my belt, slower than the last time I ran it, but I got the result I trained for, about 3 minutes slower than the last time, but over all I had a good experience. Last updated: 2013-11-02 12:00 AM
United States
Downing Events
Overall Rank = 41/1150
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 2/99
Got up at 4:15, ate a bowl of oatmeal and drank some coffee, rode over to the venue with team. Set up transition, this year I went out with the competetive wave, so had a close rack.
walked all ins and outs