![]() Swim
Comments: The swim what to say. First the cource was ment to be a out and back, but with high PH levels in the lake they changed it to two loop course. I knew I was in for it as I was the 5th wave to start and being a fast swimmer knew I would be catching waves really fast. Started the swim good, started in the front of my wave and stroked away. Then about 100 yards in some person grabbed my feet a few times so I gave him a quick kick to the face and that stopped the grabbing real fast. Then I looked up and saw all these swim caps bobbing up and down in the water. People were catching there breath and I could not get a line through them all the way home. I would take about 5 strokes and bam hit someone, then another 5 and someone would be stoping again right in fron of me. Got pissed by this and just swam the best I could. Welcome to mass swimming I guess. Wanted a 24min swim but ended up with a 30 so nothing I could do about it I guess. What would you do differently?: not it people all the way through the swim. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Very slow for some reason, think I was thinking about the swim to much. It was a long run from the water to the swim so that could be a reason also What would you do differently?: Just place stuff on a little quicker. ![]() Bike
Comments: So on the 20th was my 29th birtday and I got my brand new cervelo bike for it. I got in one quick ride on it before my race on sunday and thought all was good with it. I head out onto the course and start pumping away at it. Around the first mile my left aerobar comes lose and the bracket holding it goes all over the road. Stop and get of the bike to pick all that up. So for the rest of the ride my left aero bar was all over the place. Put it all out of my mind and start going at it again. Really happy witht he speed and was passing a lot of people, the only people going by were the pros that make us all look slow out there. On the 3rd lap just happened to look down and saw my aero bottle go flying of the bike followed by my computer. With the left aero bar being lose it messed with the bottle and knocked it all out. Stopped againg picked all that up and got going again. Finished the 4th loop got of the bike in the wrong place, about 50 yards short of the gate. Great bike for me even with all that went wrong in it. felt real strong through it. What would you do differently?: take my brand new bike out for a longer ride before a race. But it goes so fast,love it. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Went into T2 went to put race number on and the belt fell apart. Messed with that for a min and just stuffed the number in my pants. What would you do differently?: go a lot faster and glue the belt together the night before. ![]() Run
Comments: Went out on the run and legs were a little heavey but not to bad. Just ran slow for some reason and dont know why. Was wanting 8:30 miles but did 9:30 miles. Not sure what to think about that but did it and that was ok. Walked a few times which was odd, must have pushed a little hard on the bike maybe. What would you do differently?: Run a lot faster, no reason for the slow run. I'm better then that I know it. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Our club had a tent and we had a lady giving us rubdowns which was great. Eat and drank for the recovery. What limited your ability to perform faster: bike falling apart a little slowed the time down and all the people on the two loop swim. Event comments: Great race for the fisrt time it was put on. It will be even better next year. Last updated: 2006-09-25 12:00 AM
United States
Red Rock Company
79F / 26C
Overall Rank = 152/300
Age Group = 25/29
Age Group Rank = 0/?
The day started of great. Up at 4am got dressed and shaved and ready to go. Went into the lounge at a begal wih PB on it and a shank and banana with a bottle of Gatorade. Drove to the event about 20 min and went into the T1 area. Got all ready, meet the guys in the AZ Tri club that were doing the race also. Lined up for the toilet and said by to yesterdays food. Strolled down to the start and saw my wife and son before my wave was called. Gave them a kiss goodbye and went to the water. This is the longest race I've done so excited to get it started.
Just did a little streching and swam about 100 yards to get warm.