Comments: Definately an improvement every year and so I'm very happy with that. I think I'm starting to get into the state of mind where I'm not nervous about the event itself anymore but about possible lack of improvement now. Every year needs to get better. What would you do differently?: Get into the water more. Transition 1
Comments: Was determined not to spend too much time in transition from now on. Should have listened to my instincts. I started fumbling with my socks and quickly gave up on it as soon as I noticed one of the bike shoes was clinging on to it with the velcro. What would you do differently?: Don't even take socks out next time with such a short race next time. Bike
Comments: Left the water bottle in the car so I took a small bottle of gatorade endurance in tri-suit pocket - good thing. I needed it. Drank about 1/2 of it within the first 2mi on the bike. What would you do differently?: Keep gatorade in bike water bottle instead of water. I needed it after the pool. Transition 2
Comments: Came to a dramatic, skidding stop (Oh-so-very-cool-style), right next to the official - he got spooked, then gave me a thumbs-up, head shake & a grin "NIIICE!". What would you do differently?: Get on the bike more. I'd like to average 20mph on this course. It really shouldn't be hard to achieve for this race. Run
Comments: Was a bit stiff at first and was a bit cautious of my Rt calf that warned of cramping. Kept a steady pace thruought. Was trying to decide where to pick it up for the grand final (started at the straight away by the baseball field (about 500yd from the finish), I think I should've started a bit sooner. I'm glad I started doing bricks earlier this year. Honestly, I'm a bit surprised at my time here but not complaining. My HR seems to confirm the distance too. :) What would you do differently?: Run more, lose weight, sleep more. Post race
Warm down: None. Took some bananas, bagels with PBJ and water. Met up with Ralph again and chatted for a bit. We both wondered were Tim was - probably showing off his numbered arm and legs to his family somewhere. :) What limited your ability to perform faster: Lose weight, start training earlier in the pre-season and sleep more. Event comments: This is the third year of the race's existence and of my participation. I still would recommend this race to any first timer and anyone looking for a fun way to open the tri season with. I'll be back next year. Hope to see more BTers then. Ralph & Tim it was great meeting you guys - hope you had as much fun as I did and keep coming back. Last updated: 2007-03-09 12:00 AM
United States
Event Power
59F / 15C
Overall Rank = 102/162
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Up at 6:00, loaded car, picked up cousin & his GF. Had oatmeal on the way. Set up transition for a good spot once again. Registered at around 7:30 (they had some computer clitch)
Only did slow 100m. Was getting sleepy waiting up to this point.
Looked out for anyone that might look like a BTer until I saw Ralph (rtocco) "sporting his Team Javelin gear". Time (1st Timer in NY), was sitting right next to me for about a minute already on the small bleachers by pre-race meeting area (he was looking for someone with a BT tattoo on his forehead like I said I would - didn't find them late last night). :)