Comments: OMG! I set a huge PR! I'm so amazed. I was skeptical when, around the 2.5k mark when I calculated that I could finish in about 1:08, and was sure that I was doing the math wrong. Then, when I hit the 5k mark at exactly 34:00, I was shocked. I pushed harder for the last half, thinking I was probably slowing down, and I really wanted to come in under 1:10, and closer to 1:08. Well, when I got to the finish, and say 1:07, I nearly choked. I thought, 'that's just a mistake.' But then I looked at my watch. What would you do differently?: Nothing. This was a perfect race. Post race
Warm down: Went immediately to the green houses, as I had to pee very badly. Then I just walked around a bit. I could feel my legs getting sore and I wanted to walk em out a bit. What limited your ability to perform faster: Nothing that I know of. Event comments: I like this race. Last updated: 2007-04-02 12:00 AM
United States
Napa Valley SFAVA Association
60F / 16C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/