Comments: I was surprised at how fast I got out of the water! I thought I had skipped a buoy or something, but it turned out to just be a quick swim day. Or the time just seemed to pass more quickly...who knows. What would you do differently?: Nada Transition 1
Comments: Put my shoes on before heading to the mount line. I really need to learn how to ride on top of my shoes! Good transition overall, though! I appreciated the asphalt instead of grass and sand, since I didn't have to wash my feet! What would you do differently?: Nothing Bike
Comments: I think I did pretty well on the bike. With the exception of some issues with other riders blocking me from passing and/or passing me, then slowing down for a drink or a stretch right smack in front of me, the course was pretty good. Transition 2
Comments: I'm happy with it. Run
Comments: The uphill had me struggling, but I was determined to keep going at a steady pace. The trees made my Garmin pace estimation a little off, so I thought I was going a lot slower than I felt like...it turns out that the Garmin added 2 min/mile and I really was going at a pretty good pace. I think I might've slowed down if I saw the real pace during the run! Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: Nothing, really. In fact, I wasn't planning to do the race and had told everyone that I was staying home for the weekend. My friends dragged me out of the house to Jackson and I ended up just doing the race for fun, since I hadn't come up with a goal. It was great not having any expectations and just being able to have fun out there. Event comments: Awards were a little late and they did my age group last, so that was a little irritating because I had somewhere to go afterward. I won my age group, though, and I got a cool ceramic bowl. I did like the food they served after the race, too. This one was well organized and everyone seemed excited to be there. Last updated: 2007-06-03 12:00 AM
United States
City of Ridgeland Special Events
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 20-24
Age Group Rank = 1/3
Got up, ate a bagel w/ PB and banana and drank some coffee
Didn't warm up