Comments: the first leg out to the first turn buoy was the usual chaos > it was a short distance which causes a lot of traffic jam at the turn > it does not allow for everyone to get spread out but it went okay > experience always pays off in these situations and being able to navigate around all of the bodie w/o having to lose my swim stroke > once on the long stretch was able to maximize my swim stroke to get into a very strong comfortable rhythm > was completely satisfied w/my swim performance considering I'm training for much longer distances What would you do differently?: nothing > i'm not a sprint starter and neva will be > just always focus on being faster Transition 1
Comments: this was good > didn't sprint to the bike > just a quick jog > visualized as usual and went into action of getting and keeping the motion forward moving > was very focused on being complete so I would not have to stop the forward motion What would you do differently?: nothing > everything went like clockwork Bike
Comments: T1 could have been a little quicker but settled on staying in my zone and knowing that everything was complete while approaching the mount line > once on the bike I was up to racing speed within 30sec and was moving and navigating around all of the other's w/o ease > no worries about being blocked or slowing to avoid any mishaps > once out on the main part of the course I was picking up a little tailwind which kept me at around 28-30mph and passing a lot of athlete's > once at the first turnaround I knew I needed to slow my pace a little to get my HR/breathing patterns under better control and start ingesting some gel and liquid nutrition > kept the fluid going in real steady > backed off a little on the pace going into the wind (not much but a little) > after the second turnaround coming back to the transition area I kicked up the pace again to take advantage of the tailwind and to bring my average back up > this was a good bike for me today What would you do differently?: nothing > everything went like clockwork on the bike and my only issue would be that I will always want to be faster! Transition 2
Comments: I've always been very fortunate to have a real grasp of transitions > t2 is always my fastest > you visualize "before" you get there > you do just as you visualize > you keep your motion going forward in a very controlled manner to eliminate any unforseen occurences that will slow your forward motion What would you do differently?: nothing > this was a flawless transition > your in > your out Run
Comments: well > this went as usual > I can't sprint out and get my pace going like I want > I have to ease into it > this is due to always, always getting a stitch that I have to massage and work through before I can finally get my run pace up to my race pace > I had to stop momentarily to bring the HR down and get my breathing under control so that it wasn't so sporadic > did that > then slowly I was able to build up speed while I maintained my controlled breathing rate. What would you do differently?: nothing > I did this like I do every other racce Post race
Warm down: did just that > walked around > stretched What limited your ability to perform faster: my training levels > I'm not really training for sprint races > but it's a good format to check out all of the firing mechanisms. I place first on my AG > this was my first race this year and the first race of any kind since last Oct > I was very pleased and very satisfied w/how things went. Event comments: Iron Jack Weiss always puts on great races that are controlled, above the standard, abides by the rules and doesn't put up /wany bullshit! Last updated: 2007-06-08 12:00 AM
United States
Ironhead Race Productions
85F / 29C
Overall Rank = 65/506
Age Group = 55-59
Age Group Rank = 1/10
just the usual > get up real early > get things loaded up > eat a banana > eat a clif > drink water/gatorade/heed > arrive at the race site and get setup > then just hang around and watch the panic/frustration/anxiety that other's are experiencing > talk to some spectators > some who are newbie spectators > just another day at the office
get in the water and swim easy > get out > get in the water and do some sprints > get out > get in the water and do a little more of some distance w/a mix of accelerations and stroke count