![]() Swim
Comments: We headed right into the chop/wind for the first long side of the course. The first 10mins were really bad, I stopped several times to tread water. My legs completely cramped up so that I could not use them. But then started to relax slightly and basicly talked myself through the 8 buoys. Ever other stroke was right in my face. I am an under the armpit breather, very close to the water... so I was drinking a lot of water. Plus I could only breath every other stroke, I normaly breath every third. I was in a very dense group of swimmers and even when I tried to catch a draft there really was not much of a draft in that chop. At the turn around everyone basicly stopped and tried to find the next buoy in the sun. Got going again and then had a nice ride into the beach. Second loop was more chop, but I got a little more comfortable and started rolling more with my stroke so that I could get clean breaths. My stroke was not clean and only able to bilateral breath for about 4 cycles. Not a good swim for me at all. Both due to conditions and my lack of OWS this season. On the second loop on the way back in I started to really feel cold. What would you do differently?: More open water swims, wear a long sleeve suit and practice in varied conditions. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Swam right to knee deep water, stood up and looked at clock... not too happy. But glad to be out of the water. Out of water and Keith, friend from Timex, was right there cheering people on. nice to see a friendly face after that crazy swim. Ran to wetsuit strippers, suit came off easily. Then grabbed bag and into tent. I was absolutely freezing. then tent was so packed that there were women changing right in the door of the tent. found a 1 foot spot, put on but butter, dried feet and put on socks/shoes. tried to put on arm warmers but couldn't get them on so said forget it. grabbed gloves and ran out. Unracked bike and ran to mount line. Gave Nate a big wave and was on my way. What would you do differently?: find someone to help me put on arm warmers. I was soooo cold and did not warm up for a good hour. ![]() Bike
Comments: The ride started out nice and I was determined to stay with the watts plan Jorge had setup. so the first 30 miles was to be 100-105~. Got done with the out and back and felt good, but still cold. On the out and back saw all of the group but Kristin. Nutrition, fluids and watts seemed to be all on plan. But then around mile 15 felt my saddle wiggle. Then moved onto the nose of the saddle and it went forward. Decided to stop at next rest stop pee, check it out and tighted it. (Probably should have stopped right then...). Just about then I passed Kristin and mentioned my saddle to her. Made it to the rest stop, got off bike and racked it. Just then the saddle fell on the ground... Yes the saddle was on the ground... ie not attached to my bike anymore. WTF!!!!!! so I grab saddle look at seat post and realize there are parts missing. A volunteer is there and I ask for tech support to be called. She calls for me. I start looking at the ground for pieces and she is helping. The guy from the sag wagon shows up and asks if he can help, I explain and he starts looking for pieces. (Note: I don't know all the technical names for the pieces). We find all pieces but one of the two top brace pieces. We work on trying to figure out a way to reattach the saddle with out the brace piece and it's bolt. The volunteer finds some packing tape and the sag wagon guy starts taping my saddle to the post. NOT... Just then Heather Furh walks up and asks what is going wrong and if she can help... Heather Furh was offering to help me... It hit me just then that maybe I could tie the saddle back on. She starts digging through her bag. just then the medic comes running with zip ties. YIPEEEEEE. We start zip tieing the saddle on and Heather says good bye. I said thank you to all. The medic, the sag wagon guy, the volunteer and Heather all rock and I own them my finishers medal. So after about a 25-30 min detour I was back on my way with a slighly rocking saddle... but on my way and able to continue the race.:) Before Heather left she could see that I was a little stressed and she told me not to let it ruin my day that it was a long day ahead and that things would change. So the rest of the bike I had this little nagging bike breakdown in the back of my head. Wondering if the zip ties would hold and if I could make it the whole way. I did not allow myself to look at the amount of time and tried to stay within the watts that were on my plan. nutrition was right on. Passed Brad around mile 35 running with his bike. I stopped to see what was wrong. He blew a tire and need a new tire. Tech support did not show up for over an hour so he ran his bike for over 3+ miles. Weds you really rock. Kristin was riding strong as were Laura and Tim. Did not see Craig until the second loop but he looked great!!! Second loop was good and by mile 106 I was happy to think that I could have a break down but still make it in by the cut off. What would you do differently?: lots... change bike shops to start so that bike repairs, builds are done correctly. do a fun inspection of bike before checking in to transition (I though I did but did not check the saddle). Carry zip ties in my repair kit. Ride lots! But keep riding by watts because my legs never felt tired. Maybe I went too easy ;) ![]() Transition 2
Comments: The dismount line was right were volunteers took our bikes. so dismounted, ran/grabbed bag, into tent and had my own volunteer. Sat down to take off shoes. Changed shorts since chaffing was bad from a rocking saddle. Then put shoes on, grabbed meds/gels and card from K. What would you do differently?: nothing ![]() Run
Comments: Felt good leaving transition heading down the short out and back reading the card Kristin left in my bag. Started to cry since she wrote such a nice message. Realized I forgot to take my gloves off so took them off and put them in pocket. First mile in 8.47 (oops a bit faster then wanted to start out) but then next mile was not any slower, actually faster 8.08. used a gel flask and took a small hit at each water stop. Brough a water bottle and drank h2o as I went with a gatorade at the aid stations. felt real good until got to the lake out and back were it got rather warm. So realized I needed to slow the pace. got myself back into the 9s and stayed there for most of the rest of the run. good climb at the turn around on the long out and back and ran it both times. Second loop started to walk every other water stop and still able to hold sub 10 min/miles. Then at 15 started walking every water stop, still mainly sub 10s. Then walked every water stop from 20 on. Got to see friends all along the way and very impressed with how well everyone was doing. Laura and Tim were working together and able to run together for most of the run. Brad was running strong trying to catch me. Craig and Kristin were both looking good, finding friends to run with along the way. got to mile 26, got rid of water bottle and fixed hair, then sprinted to a strong finish. Splits (8.47/157, 8.08/161, 8.42/162, 9.29/160, 8.48/163, 9.07/162, 9.14/162, 9.26/162, 9.10/162, 10.11/160 (portopotty stop), 18.30/158 (miles 11&12), 19.23/158 (13&14-specialneeds), 9.41/157, 9.38/157, 9.30/156, 9.35/156, 10.10/154, 9.48/154, 10.13/155, 10.08/152, 9.24/154, 10.17/154, 9.49/155, 11.32/159 (last 1.2)) What would you do differently?: walk a little less. But otherwise nothing ![]() Post race
Warm down: Walked to athlete area had pizza, talked with Brad, shivered, had a massage, more pizza then watched as friends and family finished. Went back after K finished to watch until midnight. started to pour just at midnight to watched the last finisher and the clock hit 17:00 then moved quickly back to the car. hit the local McDonalds for my icecream - vanilla with reese in it :) What limited your ability to perform faster: Not training in OW conditions, mechanical breakdown, limited time to train.... Event comments: This course and community ROCK!!!! the new bike course is challenging but a ton of fun. The volunteers were fabulous and the community really shows their love for the athletes all weekend. Last updated: 2007-06-26 12:00 AM
United States
Ironman North America
59F / 15C
Overall Rank = 1001/2085
Age Group = W30-34
Age Group Rank = 49/141
IMCdA is 3rd (IMWI 05, IMUSA 06) on the list of my IM conquests in 21 months. Once again with a group of friends and family. There are the 2 who started it, Craig (cpjohnson), my brother-in-law, and Brad, (weds19) - who have done the other 2 with me. And Kristin (kristin) and Tim (konichiwa) who were virgins in Placid. And a new virgin Laura (gymenutt03). My husband (Nate), Craig and I flew Arizona and met Laura and Tim there and then flew to CDA arrived in Thursday at around 3:30pm. We immediately checked into registration, only took 10mins. And then checked that our bikes arrived safely. The weather was a little cool, but not too bad. Brad and Kristin arrived later that evening.
Friday we went to the village again to get Brad and Kristin checked in, check bikes and swim. Well the bike checking took a little longer then we thought so didn't go for a swim. After lunch we all took off to drive the bike course.
This is the first year of the new bike course. The profile on the Ironman site is not correct. Having done Wisconsin, I can say that Wisconsin's rolling hills are easier and are rolling. CdA's hills are not really rolling, more stepping up with some good down hills. It is also rather techinical. In fact Mike Riely rode the course on Friday and wrecked... breaking 2 ribs and collapsing a lung. But it really is a beautiful course.
Friday included an easy 20min run and the athletes' dinner. Greg Welch mc'ed the event and almost seemed to be drunk... some of his humor was a bit odd.
Saturday we went for a swim at 7:30am and it was rough. Headwinds of about 10-15 for the way out and then fast on the way back. Water rather cold 58-59 degrees. So with a sleeveless it was a cold swim. Then we went out to ride the run course. It really was a nice course out along the lake, Nate was filming us the entire time.
Met up with Laura and Tim's families for dinner at 4pm and then back and early to bed. Before bed the guys presented us with our swim caps. We lost a bet, we were given 30mins for the eagleman relay and we lost so they got to write on our swim caps. Good laughs were had by all, both clean and dirty humor so caps were not for all audiences. Then off to bed by 9pm.
Up at 4am. ate 2 bananas, 1 bagel, 1 bottle gu2o, 1 bottle h2o. I also took a meclazine (sea sickness pill). The wind was howeling so we all knew it was going to be a long swim. In the car and to the course by 5am right when transition opened. It was really a different feel/atmosphere then the other two IMs. Very relaxed and peaceful.
Went to bike first to uncover bike, pump tires, and put fluids on bike. Next we were off to drop of last minute things in T1/T2 bags. and then down to drop off special needs. finally we went to body marking. Nate was taping it all and is promising a fully produced piece in a month or so.
We had a good hour to relax, hit the port-o-potties and stretch. We suited up in our wetsuits right away since it was sooo cold (~41 degrees). No one was allowed on the beach until 6:20am. We headed down around 6:30 but they were call everyone out of the water and told athletes to stay out of the water. The winds were around 20-25mph and there were some good white caps, about 2' chop. So our warm up was huddling on the beach and saying our well wishes.