![]() Swim
Comments: OMG, this was a true battle. I found a spot on the beach that was fairly far to the left, seemed to have some space compared to all of the people who were to the right, first 100 to 200 yards was awesome, good draft and minimal contact, then all the bodies converged and it was chaos, I had to stop a few times because there was literally no place to swim, the turn bouys were extremely crowded, I was kicked, knocked, pulled under, you name it, had to float on my back once just to calm myself down,I swallowed a ton of water, got out ot the water the 1st time and ran around the timing mat, stopped for a split second looking at the water thinking "I have to do that all over again?", heard my husband yell something to me and off I went, contact was less for the 2nd loop, but the wind picked up so the chop was worse, and less drafting with fewer bodies made you feel the current at the turn buoys more, I finally got to the end of the swim and was sooo happy to be done, 1 part down, 2 to go What would you do differently?: I don't know that anything could have totally prepared me for this swim, in the end I was pretty close to my expected pace, so it all turned out fine and the important thing is that I didn't panic, I planned for 1:30, so overall I was pretty close to my target ![]() Transition 1
Comments: I got out of the water and got my cap, goggles and top (2 peice wetsuit) off before I got to the wetsuit peelers, rest of suit came off and as I stood up one of the volunteers asked if I was cold, I was shivering so I went into the heated yurt/tent, I walked in there and it was so warm it was awesome, I sat in a chair by the heater and one of the volunteers went to get my T1 bag, my hands weren't working well but I managed to get changed and I was off to find my bike, the volunteers in that tent were super, I also managed to have a gu and some water while I was changing What would you do differently?: I didn't plan on taking that long in transition, but going into the warming tent was a great decision, I was glad they let us change in there, that saved a trip over to the changing tent, the extra few minutes I took getting warm probably saved me on the bike ![]() Bike
Comments: I started off slowly, my body was still chilled and my stomach was unsettled from all the water I swallowed during the swim, I got out of town and started up the first hill. I took it slowly and already tons of people were passing me; I checked my ego and just started going my own pace. I had purposely taken my computer off my bike so I wouldn't push the pace too hard and I could just listen to my body, after the turn around to go back up the hill Bonnie passed me and said hi; she was looking great on the bike and I was pretty sure I couldn't ride that pace so I watched her fly past me up the hill. I kept my conservative pace and took the course as it came. I tried to settle into a comfortable pace on my ride out of town up to the hills, but my body just wasn't feeling great and I was still having stomach issues. I got to the hilly part of the course, made it up English Point and onto the rollers. I had only ridden this upper part of the course one time in April; the firat few rollers were bigger than I remembered, but I got through them fine, slow but fine. I got to the turn around at Ohio Match road and knew there were six hills left; I started counting them down. also saw Bonnie again and she continued to yell words of encouragement at me. :) I was making my way back to town, the wind was kicking up, but I ride in lots of wind so it didn't bother me too much. My back was killing me and I was having trouble staying in my aerobars, which was annoying because I was riding into the wind. All I could think of was my Advil in my SN bag at Mile 60; so I just kept trucking along. I got the the good downhill part of the course, made the little out and back spur, and I was done with lap 1. My pace was slower than expected, my stomach was still upset, but I was still moving and that was good. I was probably not taking in as much liquid as I should have been, but I was doing a fairly good job of getting my carbopro in for my nutrition. Just into the 2nd loop I saw my husband again which picked me up a bit. I went out toward Higgons Point, knowing that after that hill it was downhill to my SN bag; I rode up the hill fine and got down to my SN bag; I think I saw Bonnie again somwwhere through here; she was about 1/2 hour ahead of me. I got to SN, put my extra carbopro bottle on the bike, put my uncrustable in my jersey pocket although it was doubtful I was going to be able to eat it, I took my Advil and I was off, I knew I was going to be cutting it close to the bike cut off, so after the next climb I tried to pick up the pace a bit as I headed on the flat part out of town. Besides making the bike cutoff, I was determined to make it up the English Point Hill the 2nd time through, I've had this fear in my head since I first rode this course in April, so I tried to keep positive and ride smartly. I was coming aroung Hayden Lake, knowing the hill was coming up, I hit the little downhill and tried to get a little more speed than the first time through. When I got to the hill the first thing I saw was about 6 bikers walking up that hill and I said to myself, "that is not going to be me", I hit the steep part of the hill, went in my easiest gear and kept pedaling, it got really hard and I had to stand, but myself and another girl got past the people walking and made it up the steepest part of the climb. I still a long way to go to the top, but it eases off just enough to make it tolerable, I got to the top thinking that the next 2 rollers were probably the hardest part left, so I tried to be a bit more agressive on the downhills to make the climbs easier. The whole time here I am constantly watching my watch, wondering if I am really going to make the cutoff, but I knew I was doing everything possible. Somewhere up in the hills my legs started cramping and I knew I needed to get more electrolytes into my system. I pulled off right after the turn around at Ohio Match and popped 3 Enduralytes and off I went. I knew I had those 6 hills left and maybe 1 1/2 hours to do it. I had some major leg cramps on the hill on Hudlow road; I stopped quickly at the aid station to stretch my leg and get some fluids, off I went. I finished the hills with some painful legs, but got back to the flat part of the course and was pretty sure I could make the cut off. I passed one girl on the way back to Government way and she asked if we were going to make it. I said I was pretty sure because we had about 5 miles to go and 40 min to get there. I was so happy to get onto Government way, knowing I was going to make it and this was an easy part of the course. I got off my bike, never so happy to be done with a ride in my entire life, and went into the changing tent, made it off the bike with 20 min to spare. It was closer than I anticipated, but it was good, 2 events down, 1 to go What would you do differently?: be a better biker, especially on hills, I'm a slow climber, and having ridden the course only one time I was worried about how the hills would feel the 2nd time around, I was probably a little too conservative on the first loop, but I was chilled from the swim and my stomach was upset the whole ride, plus I had some major leg cramps and I was constantly worried about making the cut off; I hung tough and finished, I guess that's what it's all about ![]() Transition 2
Comments: I went into the changing tent with my bag, sat down and one of the volunteers just dumped my bag out and asked me what I needed, I changed into fresh shorts, shirt, socks and shoes, having fresh clothes felt great, the volunteers again were beyond belief, I think one them even got me some gatorade while I was changing What would you do differently?: nothing, with changing clothes I knew I would be in there about that amount of time, planned for 7:30 so I was right on target for the first time all day :) ![]() Run
Comments: I saw my husband just as I was leaving transition, he made me stop and give hime a kiss, I started with a plan to do run 2/walk 1 for as much of the run as I could. I started off OK, stomach still not completely settled, got to the little turn around point and came back through the aid station where I saw SuzanneS; said hi to her and was on my way up through town and out to the lake. I saw Wendi and the Gator crew on my way up Lakeside, saw my husband again going through the neighborhood area which is where our rental house was, got out by the lake and was just trying to keep my run/walk pace going, my stomach was very unhappy, I was trying evrything at the aid stations to see what would stay down the best, chicken broth and the coke seemed to be the best. I didn't think it would be enough calories to keep me going through the whole run so I took a gel about every 3 to 4 miles even though my stomach wasn't super happy with that plan. I saw Bonnie at the aid station coming back toward me at mile 6ish for me. I had also seen Tim (waterdogg) go past me just a bit earlier, he had slowed and said hi. I went partially up the hill near Higgons point and made the turn around, still keeping a decent pace; I came up behind Tanya (gettingfitnow) and walked with her for a few; we started running together but the pace wasn't right for me so I slowed down and let her go. I came back through the neighborhood, saw Ed again, got back into town, lots of great crowd energy, came up upon Tanya again and stayed with her for another bit, past the aid station on the dike road Tanya slowed a bit and I kept on. I got to the turn around and had 3:40 to do 12 miles, doing the math again I was pretty sure I was going to be able to finish in time, for the first time since the 2nd loop of the bike I was able to relax a bit and feel farily certain I was going to finish. I think all the marathons I've done gave me a certain sense of comfort out on the run course; I wasn't fast but I was able to hold a steady pace. I had the most fun on the 2nd loop of run, saw Suzanne again and she took my picture, got up out of town; still tons of supporters, I could hear Mike Reilly calling the finishers, knowing it was still going to be a while until I got there; still held a fairly steady walking pace with a little run thrown in, my system was happier with a fast walk vs a slow jog, so I went with that. I saw Ed again going past our house; it was starting to get dark and a little chilly, but I had gotten a long sleeve shirt at SN so I was feeling fine. I made my way out to the turn around feeling prtty good; talking to lots of people, thanking all the volunteers and supporters who were out there so late, got up towards the hill at the turn around and saw Bonnie on her way back; it was awesome that I saw her so many times during the race and she alwasy had encouraging words for me. I got up the last dang hill, turned around and came down, it was a bit dark on parts of the course here, but no problems with it, I got back into the neighborhood, still lots of people out cheering for us in the dark, saw Ed again and he gave me a quick hug, he walked with me for a minute or 2, and then went on the sidewalk as I went to the finish. I turned the corner onto Sherman and it was unreal, it's all downhill (which was awesome), the crowd was cheering like I was a rock star and everyone was giving me high 5's, I saw Jess (tritakemeaway) right near the end and I got high fived by Michale Lovato just before I entered the finish shoot. I slowed just a bit so I wouldn't come up too close to the guy in front of me, I got totally choked up coming through the finish chute and had tears in my eyes when I heard Mike Reilly call my name, race done, I am an Ironman, with nearly 40 min to spare, what a journey and what a day :) What would you do differently?: the run was the best part for me, both loops were very equal in time, I had the most fun during this part of the race ![]() Post race
Warm down: I got caught by a finish line catcher, got photo taken, saw Wendi in the catcher line and said hi, all of a sudden I was shivering, I got walked to the medical area and put on a lounge chair with a blanket, they brought me some water and chicken broth and covered me with a blanket, it was so awesome to stop moving, after a few minutes they let Ed come in to sit with me, I finally was able to get up and Ed walked me out; I really wanted to see the last finishers, but I was so cold and didn't think I could stand around at the finish, we walked about 1/2 mile to the car and went home, as we were going through the neighborhood the clock in the car turned to 12:00; race over What limited your ability to perform faster: mostly my slow climbing on the hills, but I finished and that was my goal; I'm very happy with my performance and how I finished strong, I really gave it everything I had Event comments: this was a totally awesome race, it was so great to meet lots of BT peeps, and there were tons that I didn't get a chance to meet, a huge thanks to Ed for supporting me during all my training and for all the miles he logged during race day to be out there on the course to encourage me, huge thanks to my coach Will who knew how to get me trained and to the start uninjured, also a big thanks to everyone here at BT who helped encourage me, and a huge thanks to all my training buddies in VA Beach who helped me train for this journey Last updated: 2007-07-31 12:00 AM
United States
Ironman North America
74F / 23C
Overall Rank = 1889/
Age Group = W 40 -44
Age Group Rank = 100/117
did not sleep well, woke up like every 30 to 40 min, finally got up at 3:30am; tried to eat bagel with PB, managed to get down about 3/4 of it with some gatorade, got to race site at 5am; dropped of SN bags, put some extra stuff in T1/T2 bags, put nutrition and hydration bottles on bike, got tires pumped; realized I had put some stuff in T2 bag that needed to go in T1 bag; fixed that mistake, went down to beach to watch the pros start, waited for the gun to go off
got in the water for about 2 min, didn't want to get too cold or have to wait around too long after I was wet; air temp was probably mid 50's with a light breeze