Comments: Each lap was 0.5 miles swimming with 0.2 miles of running roundtrip back to the transition area. Lap 1: 14:22 Lap 2: 13:36 Lap 3: 14:02 Lap 4: 14:27 Lap 5: 14:29 Lap 6: 14:24 Lap 7: 14:50 Lap 8: 14:29 Lap 9: 15:03 Lap 10: 15:13 Lap 11: 15:00 Lap 12: 15:22 Lap 13: 15:31 Lap 14: 15:53 Lap 15: 16:22 Lap 16: 16:32 Lap 17: 16:05 Lap 18: 16:17 Lap 19: 16:01 What would you do differently?: Nothing this was the farthest I have swam in a single day if not ever then certainly in a very long time. Transition 1
Comments: Each lap was 9.4 miles and included a small hill at the end. Lap 1: 33:11 Lap 2: 33:02 Lap 3: 34:39 What would you do differently?: Bring my own bike or at least mark Steve's seat post so that the bike could be quickly set up for me. Transition 2
Comments: Each lap was 2.8 miles. Lap 1: 23:38 Lap 2: 24:18 Lap 3: 25:13 Lap 4: 26:36 Lap 5: 26:53 Lap 6: 27:10 Lap 7: 26:55 Lap 8: 29:03 What would you do differently?: Nothing. This went better than I expected given all the swimming earlier in the day. Post race
Event comments: The race was excellent. Ian and his crew are still working out some of the kinks but they really did do an excellent job in putting the race together. For example, there was plenty of fluids, gels and food available. All of the volunteers were extremely nice and helpful. The turnarounds on the both the bike and run were fully stocked and had port-a-potties (which I used more than once despite the short distance from the transition area). Awards and prizes went 3 deep in every category and Ian was around and accessible for questions the weeks leading up to the race and throughout the race. It was a great experience. Last updated: 2007-09-05 12:00 AM
United States
24 Hour Events
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 2 Man Team
Age Group Rank = 1/1
Started packing up all of the stuff we were going to need on Wednesday for the flight out to Colorado on Friday. The packing was a little absurd since it was like packing for a multiday cycling event, an IM, and a backpacking trip all in one. Thankfully I had my Dad set up to fly out with me so that he could check one of the bags of equipment. In the end, I managed to get all the stuff we needed and all the emergency gear out there including all our backup cycling equipment and the extensive first aid kit.
Flew out to Colorado on Friday with my Dad and met Steve at the Denver airport. We arrived within a couple minutes of each other so everything was going pretty well. All the bags made it which I was a bit concerned about but I had some swimming stuff in my carry on just in case. Picked up the rental van and headed out to register for the hotel and to get the bike put back together. On Wednesday, Steve pointed out that it might make sense to just bring his bike since he was scheduled to do the vast majority of the cycling. Based on that decision we adjusted the schedule so that he was doing all of the biking. We got registered and checked out the race location and then went out to buy all the supplies for the race like water, bars, bagels, bananas, etc. The store was close by the hotel so it was easy. As usual my Dad bought some totally random stuff. I'm not sure how he comes up with this stuff but this time he showed up at the cart with a 12 pack of coke, a platter of sushi, a box of ice cream bars, 2 bags of beef jerky, and a carton of cinnamon rolls. I had my doubts about the ice cream bars in the cooler but he was not to be deterred.
We got to the race at 6am the next morning and we proceeded to set up our tranisition area. We pulled the van in to one parking stall and set the tent up in the parking stalls next to the van. The back of the van was reserved for all of the food items with all of the rest of the gear stowed underneath the seats of the van. The set up left both the tent and the benches in the van clear for sleeping. After finishing the set up we were ready to roll.
The race started at 8am. The first 3 legs had to be done in triathlon order but all subsequent legs could be done in any order with the following restrictions 1) only one member on the team could be on the course at a time, 2) no swimming between 6:30 pm and 6:30 am or in the case of lightening, 3) no new legs could be started after 8:00 am the next morning, and 4) the goal was the most complete triathlons not the most legs.
I took off on the swim which was interesting. There was about a 0.1 mile run down to the beach on various surfaces with the course being a t shape. This led to a lot of confusion and me almost getting decapiatated by some swimmers who were swimming right back at the main pack. At this point I decided to pull over to the side and just figure out what was going on with the swim course. At that point it became clear that the park rangers were still moving buoys around which was causing all the confusion. Not ideal but this is a 24 hour race so it really wasn't that big of a deal. The course stopped moving and I completed my swim leg. Maybe took me 2-3 minutes longer than it would have...again no big deal. Steve then took off and did a bike and run leg. No problem.
After the first tri we started alternating with me doing 3 swim legs to every 1-2 run legs for Steve. I knew I wasn't going to want to get back in the water in the morning so I just tried to keep moving the best I could. The run to and from the swim was tearing up my feet so I wore an old pair of running shoes for the run to/from the water which helped a ton. I could have been marginally faster without them but I was going to need my feet later so it was an easy decision. Around the 15th leg my arms were really starting to kill and it was clear that running in the heat was getting to Steve. All that being said we were way ahead of our projected schedule. The swim was going better than I expected but still everything hurt and was starting to hurt more with each lap.
After 19 swim legs (9.5 miles) I called it a day on the swimming and started running. When I switched to running, Steve switched to cycling and we were supposedely set for the night. All we had to do was just keep going. Well my first run leg went well. I felt better than I expected to...not good mind you but better than I expected to. In fairness I was real happy to be out of the wetsuit and done with the swimming portion of the race (although at this point we were far enough ahead of schedule it looked like I may have to get back in and swim in the morning). After I finished my first run leg, Steve took off on a bike leg.
The plan was for Steve to do 3 bike legs and then I would run another leg. My Dad was watching the clock and would give each of us expected finish times as to when to expect the other to come in. Well the expected finish time came and went and still no Steve. At this point I realized either we missed him (which was impossible since our transition area was next to the bike in/out) or Steve was in trouble. Unfortunately, the answer was Steve was in trouble. He came in on the bike and was clearly having problems with his legs cramping so I took off to run while him and my Dad tried to get him sorted out. I ran the next leg and everything seemed to go fine but when I got back to the TA Steve was still hurting so I took off on another run. When I got back from my second leg Steve was waiting for me so he took off on a bike. Unfortunately, he had the same problem on the next leg. Uh oh. When he got back to the van I volunteered to run again while he got himself sorted out. I took off and again ended up running 2 legs. Thankfully, Steve was looking better so he took off on a bike after the end of my two legs.
At this point, I chatted with my Dad and tried to figure out what was going on with Steve. I always thought Steve should have biked during the day and saved the running for the night when it was cooler but Steve was nervous about the running because of his lack of training. In fairness, the race was way too much given Steve's current level of fitness but Steve is a pretty amazing guy and can usually pull this kind of crap off regardless (maybe not as fast as if he was in shape but he still manages to get it done). Anyway, my Dad consulted the logs to figure out what Steve was eating and drinking and what we needed to get into him to get through the rest of the night. This is when it really paid off that my Dad has seen both of us in really bad shape and has been around enough to know how to help us figure out what we need to do to get back on track. My Dad said that this was the worst he had seen Steve which was saying a lot given what Steve has looked like during some of the multi-day bike races.
When Steve came in from his bike leg it was clear that all was not well. My Dad started talking to Steve about the log and they started working out a plan and I started running. 3 legs later I had finished the number of run legs we needed and Steve was again ready to bike. He still looked shaky so we agreed that I would get my cycling gear on and try to help get us through the night. This was a great plan and all but my body was under the impression I was done and proceeded to collapse in a heap in the tent. Not that I could sleep really because at this point I could hardly breathe. I was having a horrible time taking a deep breath (which I tend to experience on some routes around where I live). It might be asthma it might be allergies it might be I was freaking tired but either way I too was now having problems.
Steve managed to gut out two bike legs but we still had 10 more to go. I started off on the next bike leg on Steve's bike and tried to get a lap in. Now this was interesting because I was riding a 55 frame with campy as opposed to my usual 59 with shimano and the seat was still set up for Steve (who is 5'7"-5'8" to my 5'11"-6'0") since he was still scheduled to ride most of the remaining miles. Needless to say I was not the most efficient cyclist out on the road but I was good enough. Did I mention it was also 2 am at this point and I had yet to see the bike course? Yep, maiden voyage was in the pitch black of night and I'm pretty sure I managed to hit every pot hole out on the course. Ouch! Anyway, I survived and made it back to camp. Steve took off for another lap but was still hurting so I took the next lap. We then finished up with 2 for Steve, 1 for me, and 3 more for Steve.
At this point it was 7:30 or so and we could either try to squeeze in a run and start a bike before 8:00 and finish 19 tris, call it a race and finish at 18 and a swim, or send Steve back out on the bike to finish at 18 with a swim and a bike. Steve was willing to go again but we ultimately decided that we had done enough...much to my Dad's relief. Neither one of us really wanted to go again and we both felt we had accomplished what we set out to accomplish so that was that...it helped that we were the only team in our division otherwise we would have done the competitive thing and made sure to win if at all possible.
So we made it. Our original goal was 19 full tris. We ended at 18 + a swim. I'm happy with it. All in all we did pretty well. It was rough during the night but we got through it.
Total distance for the team:
swimming - 9.5 miles
cycling - 169.2 miles
running - 50.2 miles
The first time we did a long event my Dad thought we were crazy but agreed to come along for the ride. Well I guess he had fun because this is number 4 now and he is always up for it when I call him. One of the funnier moments was when he called my mom to let her know both Steve and I were ok in the morning and she accused him of being an enabler. I guess she's not quite as thrilled about the two of us doing all this stuff. The funniest bit is she blames me because she thinks Steve is too sensible to agree to be the instigator of this stuff (Steve and I have been friends since we were 13 so she's known him for quite a while) and I can honestly say that Steve doesn't require any convincing. Oh yeah, my Dad finished the sushi, ate half the cinnamon rolls and a bag of jerky but was sad that the ice cream sandwiches didn't make it in the cooler.
Addendum: Almost forgot at the awards ceremony a guy from the winning team with 26 triathlons (they were seriously moving) shared his funniest moment of the race which was at the start of the bike course. I guess a young woman was getting on her bike where she missed her pedal and almost went down (which isn't funny) the funny part is that I guess she landed oawkwardly on her seat and exclaimed "I just violated myself."