Ironman Coeur d'Alene - TriathlonFull Ironman

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
United States
Ironman North America
75F / 24C
Total Time = 14h 24m 54s
Overall Rank = 1506/
Age Group = M 35 to 39
Age Group Rank = 305/364
Pre-race routine:

Up at 3:45 AM after a decent nights sleep, really. I was surprised how well I slept considering the magnitude of this day. I figured I would toss and turn all night.

Breakfast was my regular pre- long workout fare. Oatmeal with peanut butter, a bagel with honey and a banana.

Left the house about 4:45 AM. No lines at all when I got there. Walked right up to body marking and over to drop off special needs. Put my gels in swim to bike bag.

Family showed up around 6:00 AM. I got into my wetsuit around 6:20. On my way to swim start I ran into a group of BT'ers I had not yet met. Got down to the beach and saw Speedleopard and Ranman.
Event warmup:

I warmed up by getting in the water and peeing. Got my face wet and used to the cool water. Other than that I figured I had well over an hour to warm up.
  • 1h 32m 15s
  • 4224 yards
  • 02m 11s / 100 yards

I was not prepared for the chaos that is an Ironman swim start. I thought I knew but was shocked. The entire first lap was brutal and only slightly improved on the second.

In every race I have EVER done I have had problems with my calves cramping up and today was no exception. Not sure why this happens but it is violent cramping. Completely locked up, peg leg cramps in my calves. I was able to get them to release but everytime someone swam up my back I guess I tensed up and it would happen again.

This slowed me down quite a bit on the second lap. My goal for the swim was from 1:20 to 1:30 so 1:32 was quite acceptable and I was pleased.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing really I could have done differently today I think. I need to get to the root of the cramping problems though. I think it is something about the way I swim.
Transition 1
  • 12m 13s

T1 was slowed by the cramping. I really took my time here. Not only to get the cramps worked out but I wanted to be dry. I was cold and didnt want to freeze early on in the bike. I got dried off real good and put on arm warmers. Was glad I did, I was actually shivering the first 7 or 8 miles.

The wetsuit strippers ROCK. Those things peel right off with a little help.
What would you do differently?:

Without cramps and being cold T1 would have been half of that. I figured it was a long day so I might as well take my time and be prepared for it.
  • 6h 49m 33s
  • 112 miles
  • 16.41 mile/hr

I was happy to be on the bike. By far my favorite of the 3 disciplines. I was cold coming out of T1... shivering cold. I was real glad I put arm warmers on. Right out of T1 I saw my kids and Mom there cheering. WOW, there are TONS of people yelling, ringing the cowbells, etc... very, very cool!

The first part out to Higgens Point and back was spent just trying to warm up. I did not eat or drink until about 15 minutes in. Other than being cold I felt pretty darn good. It would have been very easy to really get caught up in the moment and really hammer the tempo early on. ALl the people through downtown were infectious.

By the time I started to get back downtown I was feeling warm finally. I didnt see my kids or Mom coming back through but the people along the streets were amazing.

I have ridden the course probably close to a dozen times so my pacing and knowing where to take it easy and where I could get away with a little more effort was real good.

I may have slightly overcooked the first lap... maybe. I actually felt really good coming through the hills up north. Was real strong on the English Point hill.

Where I think I may have over done the first lap was coming back into town. I knew it should be fast and the wind was picking up. I mentally knew that 20 MPH should have been almost effortless on this leg. But, with the wind it was slowed and my mind wanted to keep pushing up towards 20 MPH.

Another problem I had come up was hydration. Not UNDER hydrated but OVER. I was a peeing machine! FOUR times and the first lap. I think some had to do with the cool weather but a lot had to do with the fact I was grabbing a new GE at every aid station just to make sure I was never without. I was forcing to much GE mainly for calories. I knew 24 ounces every 1:10 would not cause me over hydration problems but was having a hard time keeping track of how much I was getting in since I was exchanging every 10 miles.

The second lap had some issues. #1 was my hydration problems. I had to quit peeing like that. I switched to mostly solids for a good portion of second lap. Power bars, bananas and gels. Still some GE but very little.

Second problem was some wind. It wasnt horrible. I have ridden this course in far worse but still it was a bit discouraging.

The hills on the second lap were just as I was prepared for. My lower back got sore (as it always has) but some out of saddle time to stretch would get me through.

The trip back into town was pretty windy again. I just went with it, didnt fight it this time. Second lap was slower than first but really this was a good ride. A perfect ride would have been 6:30 to 6:40.... 6:49? Perfect for today!

What would you do differently?:

Not fight the wind. My splits could have been way closer to even by slowing a bit on the first lap.
Transition 2
  • 06m 6s

What a great feeling coming into T2. All the people along the chute cheering.

Handed bike to a volunteer and moved pretty good into the change tent. A volunteer found me and was really helpful. He was very accomodating.

Headed out and got sunscreen. I cant believe how much these people seemed to care. They wanted to make sure I had sunscreen everywhere I wanted it.

After sunscreen I saw my Mom at the fence. I went over and gave her a hug and headed out.
What would you do differently?:

Not a thing, really. Maybe move a bit quicker but really, what would it save? 2 or 3 minutes off of a 14+ hour day?
  • 5h 44m 48s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 13m 10s  min/mile

Ahhhhh... the run.

I came out of T2 feeling really good. I knew that barring some crazy, crazy thing I was going to be an Ironman.

The first half was great and I was on pace for a sub 14... probably closer to 13:30. I never thought that was in the cards. Thats when the wheels fell off.

I have bouts of colitis, and here it came. The last 13 miles was living from aid station to aid station to use the porta potty. It was the worst 3 .5 hours ever.

I was just ticking off the miles. Full knowing that so long as I kept moving forward I would still be close to my goal of 14 hours. At some point around mile 22 or so I decided I was absolutely going to go under 14:30 no matter what. I ran a bit more and pushed a bit harder.

Had some great conversation with some other athletes in the last miles.

The last 1/2 mile was the total Ironman Experience. It was pretty much dark by now. As I came to the 2nd to last corner there was my two daughters. They had started walking the course to find Dad. I was about 20 minutes over due at this point. Seeing my girls and now able to hear the crowd and music at the finish line brought the tears I had anticipated. My girls ran alongside me and wouldn't let me stop. This was the greatest feeling of the day.

I don't remember much about the finish line. The rest of my life was in turmoil and the finish line was awkward and uncomfortable.

I was an Ironman though, and my girls love their Ironman Daddy!
What would you do differently?:

I dont think my issues were anything I could control. My body had had enough.I knew the possibility of this existed and had actually considered meds in the days leading up, but without an active flare didnt know if it would help. I plan to discuss this with my doc before 2010.
Post race
Warm down:

I was COLD! I wrapped up in my space blanket, but it was not long before I had to head to the porta potty again. I ate, gathered up my gear and headed home with my kids.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Medical. I was trained for this effort and raced within myself. It was one of those unknowns that got me.

Event comments:

NA Sports events ROCK! They treat the athletes great and make this day a perfect culmination of months and months of hard work and dedication.

Last updated: 2007-10-01 12:00 AM
01:32:15 | 4224 yards | 02m 11s / 100yards
Age Group: 313/364
Overall: 1644/
Performance: Average
Suit: Sleeveless wetsuit
Start type: Run Plus: Shot
Water temp: 59F / 15C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Below average
Breathing: Good Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Average
Time: 12:13
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: No
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed:
06:49:33 | 112 miles | 16.41 mile/hr
Age Group: 293/364
Overall: 1367/
Performance: Average
Wind: Some
Road:   Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Time: 06:06
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
05:44:48 | 26.2 miles | 13m 10s  min/mile
Age Group: 304/364
Overall: 1552/
Performance: Below average
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]