Ironman Arizona - TriathlonFull Ironman

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Tempe, Arizona
United States
80F / 27C
Total Time = 10h 06m 28s
Overall Rank = 163/2190
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 28/400
Pre-race routine:

We had been staying in Sun City West with Michele's dad for the first few days here, so I left a bit early on Saturday to get my prerace brick in with Richard and Dave (kilodave). SO I got to Richard's hotel and we left from there. Got in the water(it was cold, and swam for 15 straight and then we did a bike on the run course because Dave wanted to see it, then we did a quick run. THis was all the day before the race. I dropped off my bike and T1, T2 bags and headed to check in at our hotel in Tempe. Checked in and slept for a bit until the family showed up.
Ate a good dinner at Olive Garden and slept pretty well that night.
RACE DAY- GOt up at 3 to eat. Had a waffle with peanut butter, 2 boost drinks and some coffee. Filled up all my infinite bottles and put them in the bag with my cliff blocks. Laid back down for a bit then we headed out at 4:45. When we got there I walked to the bike and filled up the tires and put my infinite and cliff blocks on the bike. Put my infinite in my run bag and then found Dave and Dime to say hi.
Found the family and said see ya soon!
Went back into transition and put on body glide and the wetsuit. It was a bit chilly this morning and still a bit dark. Put my dry clothes in the dry clothes bin and waited with the crowd to head over the timing mat and begin the day of racing. Went through the mats and waited at the edge until the last minute to jump in as I knew it would be cold. Rinsed out the drops in the goggles and jumped in.
Event warmup:

Swam out to the front in a hurry as I was freezing. It was still twilight and hard to see. Got to the kayaks and held on and shivered with everyone else. Ready to go!
  • 1h 11m 35s
  • 4224 yards
  • 01m 41s / 100 yards

So I was ready this year for the cannon to go off, as they didn't count us down. Bang, start the watch and I am swimming. THe last time I did this race in 07' I had the best, most relaxed start I have ever had in a triathlon. Today was a different story! My plan was to start hard for the first 200 meters and find open water and then settle in. Well there was no open water, I lost my goggles in the first 100 meters and had to stop and empty them and then get moving again. Then I was punched, kicked, swam over, I also swam over about 3 people, just a big free for all. I kept thinking it would thin out, but it did not. I was getting tired of stopping and starting that I looked left at the lakes bank to see if I could get there. Well that was full of swimmers as well so I said screw it, and trudged on. Finally it did thin out near the first turn bouy. I was swimming pretty well and was very comfortable now. Hit the bouy wide and missed all the traffic, I saw a huge log jam and lots of heads bobbing trying to make the corner. Next bouy, same thing! Good turns. Headed down the back stretch. Just stayed on as many feet as I could and swam wide to stay out of traffic. As I got to about the half way mark on the back side I was getting cold. My core temp was dropping and my arms were not turning over as fast as they were before and I was clearly slowing. I was just trying to get to the last bridge, I seemed to be staying away from me and not getting any closer. Well it finally did and I was relieved. Started kicking a lot more to get blood to the legs as I know they were cold and had no blood in them. Got to the steps and popped up. ALright feeling good! Checked the watch and saw 1:11. Damn, I was 6 minutes behind my goal pace. No panicing just stick with the plan. GOt to the strippers and my suit was stuck on my watch. I picked to big guys to help rip it off and they did it in a hurry. I hustled to transition and passed a few people. Alright, on to the bike!
What would you do differently?:

Nothing, swam well for the conditions. I know my swim fitness was good so that would help me on the rest of the day even though my swim was a bit slow.
Transition 1
  • 08m 54s

Horrible! Being one of the fastest transition person at most races, this one just plain sucked ass! Went to the bathroon then hit the tent. I was cold and couldn't get anything on. I was shivering and could not think quite clearly. Got on the shoes, helmet, and sunglasses. Put the quick air sealant in the bike jersey, Grabbed my gloves and arm warmers and left the tent, they had my bike and I still didn't have my gloves or arm warmers on so I had the guy hold my bike. I just couldn't get anything to go on. Still shaking I told the guy to go and help someone else. SO he left, I then dropp my damn bike and spill half of my infinite in the aero bottle great. I start moving and hop on the bike. Damn that took forever.
What would you do differently?:

Wear a neoprene cap for the swim. Maybe I would have been warmer.
  • 5h 14m 56s
  • 112 miles
  • 21.34 mile/hr

So I get on the bike and I am shaking, because I am so cold. My head is not quite clear yet. So I had to focus on staying on the road and not hitting anyone. I felt like I was driving drunk. Just kept the HR in check for the first 15 minutes. It was right around 130! Good. Started to warm up and took off the arm warmers but kept on the gloves. I was just getting to the Beeline at this time. My plan was to drink one bottle of 290 calorie infinite and 100 calories of shot blocks pere hour. SO I started the nutrition plan at 15 minutes. Just ate a block every 15 minutes or so but kept the infinite bottle per hour. My Heart Rate had been high the weeks before the race due to being sick! (I should add this here, I was placed on Antibiotics and Prednisone for a sinus infection/chest infection. I didn't take either one because antibiotics don't allow your body to store up carbs and the Prednisone causes muscle deterioration after long term use. SO I was hoping I would get better on my own and be healthy for the race.) So any way, my coach said to jsut go on RPE for the race, so I did, well pretty much. Just rode at an easy pace the first loop and checked the legs after each lap to assess how hard to go. Never really pushed the bike all that hard. The miles kept going by and I was feeling good. Didn't worry about who was passing me or who I passed. THis was my pace for the day. Surprised to see the MPH at 21! I was thinking, man, a 5:15 bike would be nice but let's see how the day goes. Just kept peddling. THinking of songs from the new twilight CD I had been listening to the last few days. Just kept saying to myself, be patient, the run is most important. SO I peed at mile 60 or so, actually got off the bike at an aid station and went. Only lost about 30 seconds. Could manage it on the bike today. Got to mile 80 and said this is where the race begins. Legs were good so I kept up the pace. THe first 2 laps the wind was in my face up the Beeline and I was between 15-17 MPH going up. Coming back down it was 31 MPH. THe last lap the wind changed directions and was helping on the way up. Hard to tell but I knew because my MPH going up was now around 20 so I knew It would be a bit of a tail wind going back down. So I was very happy to be on the downhill going back to finish the ride. My ass was hurting alot and I was ready to be off the bike. Just put the head down and peddled in. I really saw no drafting, I know others saw some but I had stretches where I had noone in front or behind me for a long way! Got into town and saw my family and was ready to see if I pushed it too hard on the bike or my legs were ready to run.
What would you do differently?:

I think I may have been able to push a bit more on the bike, but hard to tell how it would have affected my run.
Transition 2
  • 02m 20s

Excellent transition here. Got off the bike took the shoes off and carried them with me. Some kept them on the bike. Ran down the bag isle and got my bag. Hustled into the tent and it was way less crowded then T1. I must have passed all the fast swimmers. I actually had a chair this time. The volunteer dumped out my stuff and I put on the race belt, running shoes and hat. Asked him to put everything in and he did. Put the bag at the exit and off I went. THe volunteers outside put on sunscreen on my neck and shoulders.
What would you do differently?:

  • 3h 28m 44s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 07m 58s  min/mile

So I get running and forget I have my tire inflator/sealant in my back pocket and I leave it next to the fence by the swim exit. Had I known my family was like 30 more steps away, I would have given it to my wife. Lost a 20 dollar canister! So the legs are real good and I start out at a 7:15 pace. Wondering how long I can hold this pace. Just passing people left and right. Saw Julia and Trixie, Julia ran with me to tell me my Friend Dave had some trouble in the water but he was still racing. That was good to hear. Felt good and just ran and listened to my breathing. Hr was good so I chugged along. Skipped the first 4 aid stations, (I had a bottle of infinite with me and I sipped on that). At aid number 5 I started a gel every other aid station and gatorade and what ever else looked good, regimine. Water over the head, sponges over the head. It was not real hot but it was refreshing and cold! Just kept up with a pace that I felt I could hold all day. THe garmin was not quite right so I started timing each mile with my other watch. Miles splits were getting a bit slower in the middle miles. Like 7-15. I wanted to hydrate and take in lots of calories early so there was no bonking. My Left hamstring was feeling like it wanted to cramp after about mile 13. I started taking my endurolytes around mile 10 until they were gone. I took 10 total in about a 6-7 mile period. The hammie never did cramp. My left hip started getting really tight and sore around mile 17. Rubbed it every so often and just tried to focus on the run. Saw Aaron(JeepFleeb) around mile14 or so and wished him well, he said he was done. I said, it may get better, hang in there. So I kept up drinking at the aid stations and eating gels, I think I started on the Coke at about mile 15 and stayed with it the rest of the race. It tasted real good and the carbonation was nice for some reason. I could wait to get to mile 20 and know I only had a 10k left. THe 20 mile mark was on an up hill so I said hell ya out loud and focused on the last 6.2 miles. Had 1 more gel and some coke and chicken broth at the next aid station then put the head down and picked up the pace. Averaged 7:30's for the last 5 miles. Not bad. Passed a guy rounding the last corner and ran to the finish!
What would you do differently?:

Post race
Warm down:

Felt great right after so I just popped into the food tent and grabbged some food. Couldn't eat yet. The family was there and we sat on the grass. Very happy to be finished.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Cold water, being sick the week before.

Event comments:

Wow, what a great day! I have to thank my coach most of all Mike Ricci of D3! He had me so well trained that I hit almost every time goal on the nose! Thanks Mike, you rock!!!!
Stuck around with Richard and Julia, and Trixie to watch others come in. Had a few beers in my cooler so I shared those as well. Nice to meet some other Bt'ers as well. What a great day! I think this is my last IM for a while. A long while. Thanks for reading.

Last updated: 2008-02-22 12:00 AM
01:11:35 | 4224 yards | 01m 41s / 100yards
Age Group: 158/400
Overall: 839/2190
Performance: Below average
Course: Long rectangle in a narrow old river bed. 1 loop
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Shot
Water temp: 62F / 17C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Average
Breathing: Good Drafting: Good
Waves: Good Navigation: Average
Rounding: Good
Time: 08:54
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
05:14:56 | 112 miles | 21.34 mile/hr
Age Group: 44/400
Overall: 223/2190
Performance: Good
Average Heart rate was 138. Max HR was 154
Wind: Little
Course: 3 loops. Through town, a couple turns, then onto the beeline which is pretty straight. then back. Only a bit of a hill on the way out for a couple miles.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 02:20
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
03:28:44 | 26.2 miles | 07m 58s  min/mile
Age Group: 8/400
Overall: 85/2190
Performance: Good
My Average Heart rate on the run was 139! Max HR was 157
Course: Kind of a lollipop around Tempe Town lake 3 times. Mostly flat with one hill in te middle, not big, and then some ups and down in a few places.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 5