Comments: I thought I was going to drown on this swim. this was my second open water swim and the water was very choppy and felt as if I was being hit backwards with every stroke. What would you do differently?: work a lot harder on my swim endurance in general and do more open water swims Transition 1
Comments: This was a better time than my first triathlon, but I was so tired from the swim I am surprised I did this well. What would you do differently?: Be less tired coming out of swim Bike
Comments: I was gaining some ground on the bike until my chain popped off as I was going down hill just before the turn around. I had to walk up the hill, put my chain back on and restart.(what a bummer) At that point I was completely in last place. What would you do differently?: My garmin cadence was not picking up,so it was hard to gauge my efforts. I did check it before race, but could not get it to work race day. Transition 2
Comments: fairly good transition for me. What would you do differently?: remeber to put my garmin on my wrist. Run
Comments: At this point I just wanted to keep running and finish. I really could not guage my speed as there was no one else around and I left my Garmin on my bike. Again, the swim really took alot out of me for the bike and the run. Post race
Warm down: walked over drank some gatorade and ate a begal. What limited your ability to perform faster: swim just kicked my butt!!! Event comments: This was a well organized race and I want to say the water help was awesome. I would not have made it through the swim without them. Last updated: 2008-04-09 12:00 AM
United States
Ironhead Race Productions
80F / 27C
Overall Rank = 274/274
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
got up at banana-nut oatmeal bar. drove to park and set up transition area and checked bike and all equipment. walked around and felt the water.
light jogging.