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Race Reports for Belgrade Lakes Triathlon 2008

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Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?No

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: It was the first one and it had little glitches, which are to be expected, but I loved the venue and the people running it. Definitely would do it again
Reported by:
Race rating (4)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?No

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Good race for a local race - I really wish Tri-Maine would spring for timing chips, but that's a small gripe. So this race was a great way to break me out of my "I'm sick of training for IM and doing ridiculously long workouts" funk that I was in this week. I'm pumped now to do my last few weeks of heavy training and then have a blast at LP.
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