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Race Reports for Madison Marathon 2007

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Race rating (5)
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  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: I love the MM, but this race freaking owes me. Last year it was 90 degrees with very high humidity and this year I was injured. I am making this race my #1 priority next year. I am so going to run sub 3:40 here next year.
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Race rating (2)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?No
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Bad
  • Overall course based on my ability: Too hard

  • Comments: Terrible post race activities.. A huge LARGEST BEER and BRAT festival was next store though... with beer, brats, and fair rides.. They said they were going to sell over 200,000 brats over the weekend. Ean and Sheryl has some before I showedu p.. but brats after 26.2 miles just didn't sound too good ... I showered at the expo-building and we stopped at SUbway on our way out of town. 5 hours later I got home and crashed into my bed and slept a few hours before getting up and eating dinner... Moving Time (h:m:s) 4:49:34 10:55 pace Distance (mi ) 26.51 Moving Speed (mph) 5.5 avg. 13.1 max. Elevation Gain (ft) +5,471 / -5,571 Avg. Heart Rate 138 bpm The steady decline ... omg.. p (#) Time (m:s) Distance (mi ) M Spd (mph) HR (bpm) Energy (Cal) Avg Max 1 9:21 1.00 10.1 123 136 151 2 9:17 1.00 8.9 130 149 158 3 8:56 1.00 7.6 144 148 153 4 9:24 1.00 7.2 143 148 154 5 9:57 1.00 7.4 138 148 152 6 9:55 1.00 6.7 139 147 155 7 10:17 1.00 7.4 139 146 157 8 9:59 1.00 6.5 134 140 155 9 9:59 1.00 6.7 136 140 156 10 9:58 1.00 6.9 140 145 155 11 10:15 1.00 6.9 139 149 155 12 10:28 1.00 7.6 139 147 158 13 10:34 1.00 6.5 139 143 157 14 10:36 1.00 6.3 142 145 158 15 10:52 1.00 6.3 139 148 155 16 11:06 1.00 7.8 144 148 157 17 11:23 1.00 6.5 143 147 153 18 11:34 1.00 6.3 143 148 156 19 12:27 1.00 6.3 142 149 135 20 12:27 1.00 5.8 140 152 139 21 12:20 1.00 7.2 140 144 141 22 13:15 1.00 5.8 136 144 133 23 12:24 1.00 6.3 141 146 132 24 12:45 1.00 6.9 137 148 139 25 13:45 1.00 8.7 132 148 131 26 13:39 1.00 5.8 131 142 123 27 2:42 0.25 7.6 143 152 3 omg..
Reported by:
Race rating (5)
User photo
  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?Yes
  • Plenty of drink stations?Yes

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: Seeing as how this was my first race of any distance, and I'm only 15, I would say it was a success, but I would have liked to do a little better. As painful as it was I really liked the Madison Marathon.
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