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Race Reports for XTERRA Dirty Grizzly Off-Road Triathlon - Sport Course

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  • Organised?Yes
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?
  • Plenty of drink stations?

  • Post race activities? Good
  • Overall course based on my ability:

  • Comments: My first DFL (which I am not proud of), but at least I finished. And since there were only 2 people in my AG for the sport distance, I won an award (which I am also not really proud of, but do appreciate the prize just the same). Did that make sense? Wow, DFL and still get a prize (sarcasm). The award I AM proud of is the one I won for best wound (since the guy with the smashed up face already left). If I want to continue doing Xterra races I need to get out on the MTB on the trails more to get the confidence back I used to have. I had a very trying day, physically and mentally, but it was (again) no one's fault but my own/my mind. MTB requires confidence and just riding, not thinking of the consequences (to a degree). Race day I wasn't in that mental place. I was nervous and tenative, which are also not good. I was thinking of past crashes, and hearing/seeing others crashing around me, which were not good. I must say all racers and volunteers that I encountered were very
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