Sometimes life just isn’t fair! We all have situations come up from time to time that test our dedication to triathlon training.
Sometimes life just isn’t fair! We all have situations come up from time to time that test our dedication to training. Whether you are a student, business owner, or employee, at some time in your life, you are going to face this challenge. For some people, it is just obvious how your workout schedule should be adjusted, while for others, it just seems to be harder to do.
One thing that I think the sport of triathlon offers is that it can be a sport for a lifetime. We have to remember that a change in schedule for a month, 6 months, or a year can be relatively small when we look at the time period of a lifetime. If you are in a position that you have to modify your training schedule for a time period, you have to focus in the fact that you are still better off with the modified schedule rather than not training at all.
Next, evaluate the workouts that you have. Make sure you are spending quality time getting in a quality workout. I personally realized that I had gotten into a rut in which I had plateaued in the swim. For weeks, I would swim the same distance and not push myself at all. I made an adjustment to my workout schedule and was able to cut my pool time by fifteen minutes and still get in a quality workout.
It is a fact that most of us will never turn pro, and with all honesty, most of us won’t even consistently place in our age group. Where am I going with this? Well, if you are like me, you are not in this sport for a collection of race hardware, but you are in it for the attainment of personal goals. We must make it our goal to be flexible and continue to train – no matter what hand of cards life deals us. Always remember that no matter how small the step toward out next goal, it is still a step closer than we were before.
Remember these steps the next time you have scheduling conflicts:
oAnalyze your daily schedule and identify your constraints.
oDetermine if your present workout schedule will work without your having to make sacrifices to your family or to your job.
oMake the necessary adjustments to your workout schedule.
oStart or keep training based on your new schedule.
“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have”
- Norman Vincent Peale -
Copyright When Big Boys Tri 2003
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It's Not Fair
Sometimes life just isn’t fair! We all have situations come up from time to time that test our dedication to triathlon training.
Sometimes life just isn’t fair! We all have situations come up from time to time that test our dedication to training. Whether you are a student, business owner, or employee, at some time in your life, you are going to face this challenge. For some people, it is just obvious how your workout schedule should be adjusted, while for others, it just seems to be harder to do.
One thing that I think the sport of triathlon offers is that it can be a sport for a lifetime. We have to remember that a change in schedule for a month, 6 months, or a year can be relatively small when we look at the time period of a lifetime. If you are in a position that you have to modify your training schedule for a time period, you have to focus in the fact that you are still better off with the modified schedule rather than not training at all.
Next, evaluate the workouts that you have. Make sure you are spending quality time getting in a quality workout. I personally realized that I had gotten into a rut in which I had plateaued in the swim. For weeks, I would swim the same distance and not push myself at all. I made an adjustment to my workout schedule and was able to cut my pool time by fifteen minutes and still get in a quality workout.
It is a fact that most of us will never turn pro, and with all honesty, most of us won’t even consistently place in our age group. Where am I going with this? Well, if you are like me, you are not in this sport for a collection of race hardware, but you are in it for the attainment of personal goals. We must make it our goal to be flexible and continue to train – no matter what hand of cards life deals us. Always remember that no matter how small the step toward out next goal, it is still a step closer than we were before.
Remember these steps the next time you have scheduling conflicts:
o Analyze your daily schedule and identify your constraints.
o Determine if your present workout schedule will work without your having to make sacrifices to your family or to your job.
o Make the necessary adjustments to your workout schedule.
o Start or keep training based on your new schedule.
“Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have”
- Norman Vincent Peale -
Copyright When Big Boys Tri 2003
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