VIDEO: Beginner ChiRunning Clinic by TriTek

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If you have running problems or just want to improve your running, this video will serve to show you how a ChiRunning clinic is conducted and the philosophy behind it.

This Beginner ChiRunning clinic presented by ChiRunning Coach Vince Vaccaro of TriTek.  This clinic was part of the 2008 Multisport World Expo in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

This clinic was 2 hours long, we were only able to video the first 25 minutes.  The first 25 minutes of the clinic will go through the basic principles and beginning drills of ChiRunning and how it can help the triathlete. 

We were able to tape a few of the beginning standing drills all the way to one of the critical ChiRunning concept of 'falling forward'.  The later parts of the clinic have people doing actual running and performing drills on a track and how to incorporate the drills in their running.

If you have running problems or just want to improve your running, this video will serve to show you how a ChiRunning clinic is conducted and the philosophy behind it.

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date: May 7, 2008