Team BT's articles on

author : Team BT
comments : 1
avatarSwimmer Turned Announcer Rich Fowler Exemplifies the Triathlon Spirit
author : Team BT
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avatarformable™ offers biomechanically customized training by elite coaches to help athletes maximize performance and reduce injury.
author : Team BT
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photoPlanning, Packing, Setup, Race Site and Schedule
author : Team BT
comments : 8
avatarTriathlon cycling: Tips for shifting smoothly when you want, where you want
author : Team BT
comments : 3
avatarPlanning and Spacing Out Your Races for a Successful "A" Race
author : Team BT
comments : 2
avatarLooking for a group of friends to encourage you in your triathlon training? This is the place.
author : Team BT
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avatarHow can triathletes improve their swim stroke? Here's an non-traditional way.
author : Team BT
comments : 2
avatarJ.P. Dowd (Charlestown, Mass.) and Holly Smith (Marathon, Fla.) both earned the overall titles in the men's and women's events, while 12 other athletes earned national age-group titles.
author : Team BT
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avatarHow to create an indoor training space that makes you want to do the miles
author : Team BT
comments : 1
photoFrom a friend who has never seen a triathlon of any length, Ironman is an interesting sight
author : Team BT
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avatarAre you interested in following triathlon at the Olympics? Here are the times and dates of the Olympic triathlon competitions.
author : Team BT
comments : 2
avatarHere’s what triathletes can learn from this swimming drill
author : Team BT
comments : 0
avatarCustomizable training plans at BeginnerTriathlete mean you can move your workouts on the fly.
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