The argument against doing flip turns is a strong one: You don't do flip turns in a race! While that is a valid point and I can see the logic behind it, I can take the same logic and say, "While swimming in open water, you don't get to hold onto the wall every 25 yards." So, which is correct?
Yes, there are no walls in the open water to help you when you get tired. Surely, when you swim with flip turns, it's a tougher swim. Why do you think people don't do them? Because they are harder! When your legs get tired on the bike, you shift to an easier gear and when you get tired of running you either slow down or you walk. So it goes in the pool: When you get tired, you stop flip turning, or if you use open turns, you rest longer on the wall.
Open turns hurt your swim technique. Every time you stop to reach for the wall, your hand comes out of the water. Is that good technique? I would say not. By swimming laps with flip turns, you are most definitely improving the fluidity of the swim. Going from stroke, stroke, flip, stroke, stroke you are keeping your swimming smooth.
There has been some talk about how flip turns are like hypoxic breathing where you are holding your breath while exercising. Some people have gone as far as to say that doing flip turns improves your VO2. I am not sure if this is true, but it's certainly harder and it takes me a few strokes to get my breathing back to normal when coming off the wall. On top of that, when I don't have that challenge of holding my breath every 20 seconds or so in the open water, I think that's to my advantage come race day.
What I suggest to beginners is to flip during the warm up and during any sets shorter than 100 yards. So, if you are doing a set of 10x50 then flip every one. If you are doing 100 yard repeats, maybe flip turn every other 25 yards. Give it a try and I am sure within a few sessions you'll have it down. If not, be patient and stick with it. It may take some time, but it's well worth it.
I have heard every excuse in the world why not to do flip turns, and I am NOT BUYING IT. Do the flip turns—they will make you a better swimmer.
Mike Ricci USAT Level III Coach Founder and Head Coach D3 Multisport, Inc.
VIDEO: How to do Flip Turns
This is a 3 step program on learning how to do flip turns. Also discussed is the importance of using flip turns during lap swimming.
& Mark Van Akkeren (our swimmer)
The argument against doing flip turns is a strong one: You don't do flip turns in a race! While that is a valid point and I can see the logic behind it, I can take the same logic and say, "While swimming in open water, you don't get to hold onto the wall every 25 yards." So, which is correct?
Yes, there are no walls in the open water to help you when you get tired. Surely, when you swim with flip turns, it's a tougher swim. Why do you think people don't do them? Because they are harder! When your legs get tired on the bike, you shift to an easier gear and when you get tired of running you either slow down or you walk. So it goes in the pool: When you get tired, you stop flip turning, or if you use open turns, you rest longer on the wall.
Open turns hurt your swim technique. Every time you stop to reach for the wall, your hand comes out of the water. Is that good technique? I would say not. By swimming laps with flip turns, you are most definitely improving the fluidity of the swim. Going from stroke, stroke, flip, stroke, stroke you are keeping your swimming smooth.
There has been some talk about how flip turns are like hypoxic breathing where you are holding your breath while exercising. Some people have gone as far as to say that doing flip turns improves your VO2. I am not sure if this is true, but it's certainly harder and it takes me a few strokes to get my breathing back to normal when coming off the wall. On top of that, when I don't have that challenge of holding my breath every 20 seconds or so in the open water, I think that's to my advantage come race day.
What I suggest to beginners is to flip during the warm up and during any sets shorter than 100 yards. So, if you are doing a set of 10x50 then flip every one. If you are doing 100 yard repeats, maybe flip turn every other 25 yards. Give it a try and I am sure within a few sessions you'll have it down. If not, be patient and stick with it. It may take some time, but it's well worth it.
I have heard every excuse in the world why not to do flip turns, and I am NOT BUYING IT. Do the flip turns—they will make you a better swimmer.
Mike Ricci
USAT Level III Coach
Founder and Head Coach
D3 Multisport, Inc.
VIDEO: How to do Flip Turns (1891 downloads)
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