Become the Person You Never Thought You Could Be

author : newhomeowner
comments : 16

If you’re reading this because you’re still not sure, sign up for just one triathlon – a short sprint.

I admit it was tough getting on my bike the first time, but it was tougher getting back on after I wiped out the first time. And my first open water swim? Let me tell you about my first attempt at an open water swim. I stood in wonder at the water’s edge looking at the jellyfish and seaweed, then turned around and went home without going in. And the run, which my parents still can’t believe comes after swimming and biking?

I love it all.

I love going to the beach to practice swim starts and having beach-goers wonder what the heck I’m doing. I love that people gape at me when I tell them I get up at 4:30 in the morning so I can get a two hour workout in before I head out to work. I love that I have a fancy (kind-of) road bike that’s so light I can pick it up with one hand (and stuff it into the back of my hatchback). I love looking online for new races and signing up as soon as registration opens. I love talking to people about swimming, biking, running, racing, triathlons, duathlons and the camaraderie I feel with people who understand the craziness and dedication that come with those things. I love ME, because I am pushing myself far beyond what I thought I’d be capable of.
In 2005, I was full of self-imposed limitations. I had an infinite list of things I couldn't do, and a detailed list of excuses to back it all up. I set some goals for myself that year – a set of New Year’s resolutions to sign up for several local running races - which I fully expected not to keep, continuing a long line of failures. But that year was different. That year I did everything I set out to do and absolutely loved every second of it. So the next year, I decided to push myself a little farther and sign up for a sprint triathlon, and on July 8th 2007, I finally became the woman I never thought I could be.
Tomorrow starts my second season of being a triathlete. I have another sprint on August 24th (my 35th birthday) and my first Olympic scheduled for September 14th. When asked back in 2005 if I’d considering competing in a triathlon, I outlined 100 reasons why I was not capable of something like that. The words I hear most – the words I said myself when someone mentioned a triathlon to me the first time – are “I could never do that.” Yes you can. You may not be able to go out and do it today, but if you train and you dedicate yourself to being successful, then you will be. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can…or if you think you can’t…you’re right.” It’s funny (and kinda cool) that new people I meet think I’ve always been like this. I must really be enjoying it! 
So if you’re reading this because you’re still not sure, sign up for just one – a short sprint. I’ll bet you next year you come back to write an article about how that one race changed your life. Maybe you’ll become a triathlete, too.



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date: August 20, 2008
