Beginner Triathlete of the Month - Rogillio

author : EndurancePlanet
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He is a multiple Ironman, prolific poster, blog-inspire-leaver and PMer, and is moving through his injuries with grace, dignity, and continuing generosity for other triathletes.

Our next Beginner Triathlete of the Month is Rogillio . 

View Rogillio's Profile and Training Log

Other members write:

-"I dont know him well, nor do I understand his current situation, but it looks like he has a pretty serious injury that has kept him from training and racing.

That hasn't kept him from posting on the site, encouraging others, and he has kept a positive attitude the whole time.

I'm not sure I could do that, and to me that is pretty impressive.

You can tell BT is part of his life."

-"Facing a DNS at KY, he just keeps on going on. After his injury, he's already back in the saddle, getting ready for 2010"

-"Putting in a third vote for Rogillio. He's a proud Clyde who advocates and inspires others to move and achieve their dreams, no matter their size, shape or starting point. He is a multiple Ironman, prolific poster, blog-inspire-leaver and PMer, and is moving through his injuries with grace, dignity, and continuing generosity for other triathletes."


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date: September 14, 2009
