Why I Tri - Brian H

author : Team BT
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I was overweight from staying up late and eating Taco Bell at 1:00 in the morning while in school. I rarely worked out. I led the "party" lifestyle and went to local bars a few times a week.

My name is Brian. I am a college graduate who entered into the workforce May 15th 2002 last year. I was overweight from staying up late and eating Taco Bell at 1:00 in the morning while in school. I rarely worked out. I led the "party" lifestyle and went to local bars and taverns a few times a week.  I assumed that once I finished college, that I would lose some weight because my habits would change. Well I finished college, and my daily routine did change a little, but my eating habits and my habit for a sedentary lifestyle did not. I actually seemed to become more sedentary, spending 8 hours a day typing on a keyboard like I am doing now. On October 1st I evaluated my physique. I was a 26-year-old male 5' 9 tall and I weighed 237lbs!!! Right then and there I made a commitment to get back in shape.

    I decided to try something different this time. Instead of working out 15 days in a row and eating 1/4 of what I normally eat, thus losing a little water weight and a lot of energy, I decided to make a complete life change.  I decided I would get an extensive list of foods that were good for me and then get a membership at a local gym and start working out 3-5 days a week. I noticed that I already new what foods were good for me, but I wasn’t eating any of them. I started eating breakfast everyday for the first time since childhood. I started eating small meals and snack throughout the day instead of 1-2 big meals a day. I started eating a balanced meal as well. That "food pyramid" we heard so much about in childhood is actually the best advice to take.

    With my eating habits in control through will power alone (no magic potion), I started working out at the gym 3-5 days a week. I concentrated mainly on calorie burning exercises like walking, swimming, biking, light jogging etc. I weighed myself once a month and on January 1st, just 90 days later I weighed 200 lbs!!!!! With my spirits way up and my goal weight far, far away I decided to set a secondary lofty goal that would supplement my weight loss goals. I decided to start training for the April 27th Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.  I was very nervous, because I had never ran over 2 miles in one time in my life. I had only 4 months to prepare. I gritted my teeth and took a leap of faith in myself. I started a set " marathon training" schedule that I found on the Internet. I also joined a local running group.  I started working out 6 days a week for about an hour every day and I continued to eat right.

    April 27th 2003 rolled around and I decided to check out my physique again. I walked over to the scale, stood on the platform and looked down at the number. I weighed 174lbs!!!!!! I had lost 63 lbs. Through will power alone I changed myself from a "chubby depressed Brian" into a "slim happy motivated Brian." In 7 months!!! I ran in the marathon and completed it in 4 hours and 25mins. I have crossed that finish line in life and have kept on going.    I am now moving to Denver, Colorado, where I am going back to school. I am pursuing a second college degree in Media Art and Animation. This is dream goal I have had since I was a little kid sitting in front of the television wondering how cartoons and movies were made. I plan on training for an IronMan triathlon while in school. I plan on competing in the IronMan a few months after I graduate in 3 years.

   I have come a long way in a short period of time. Everything in my life has improved dramatically. Every aspect of my life was boosted while I willed myself to get back in shape. My outlook on life is unstoppable. My positive attitude is unstoppable. My goals are reachable and will be reached for the rest of my life. My eating and exercise habits are now second nature to me. My energy level is through the roof. I can achieve anything and so can you!!!!!!!!

 Brian H Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


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date: September 5, 2004

Team BT