openwaterworks.comMei Mei is a Masters swimmer, and a Level II Masters Swim Coach. She continues to compete in pool and open water races. She coaches all levels of swimmers– beginner to Iron Man – to help them achieve their desired goals. Her success rate is remarkable.
VIDEO: Beginner Open Water Swimming
Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
Do you feel like you just “survive” the swim in your triathlon? Does your fear of dark water/open water keep you from entering a race? Do you want to feel more confident at the start of your swim? Join "Margaret "Mei Mei" Connor whose goal is to have you love open water swimming as much as she does to learn how to survive and THRIVE in the swim portion of your next triathlon. You will learn:
VIDEO: Beginner Open Water Swimming (894 downloads)
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