Help Other Triathletes: Write a Review!

author : Team BT
comments : 0

Review your favorite (and least favorite) gear here.

You know you spent a lot of time researching your last triathlon purchase, whether it was a fitness tracking watch, a bike, or a pair of compression socks. Don't deny it. There are a few easy-going, laid back triathletes, but most of us are Type A nerds who read Consumer Reports before we shop for a toothpick.

The gear reviews here on BeginnerTriathlete are especially relevant because this is gear actually purchased by real triathletes, not reviews written by professional writers who were supplied the gear for free and have no idea about endurance sports.

Please help the BeginnerTriathlete community by reviewing a couple of your favorite items, or a disaster purchase or two. This will help others make good decisions, or learn about a new item or technology they haven't seen.

Two Ways to Review

You can  write a review for the sake of reviewing the item, by navigating to Gear > Reviews and clicking Submit A Review.

Or, you can add a new gear item in your Training Log, so that you can track your use of a pair of shoes or a bike, for example, and review the item from there. In your Training Log, when you add a workout, you can choose Equipment from the Equipment drop down. One choice is to Add New Equipment. When you complete the process for adding new equipment, or you view equipment you've already added, you'll see an option to Write a Review.

Tracking your equipment in your log is a great way to be precise about how many miles your shoes have on them when you start to get that weird feeling in your knee, or how many miles your bike has on it.

Either way, we welcome your opinions on anything you've purchased and used that is related to triathlon. Bikes, helmets, skin cream, socks, fitness trackers, apps, goggles, music players ... you name it, you can review it. We do not filter out reviews that are negative unless they are inappropriate. For example, a few months ago there was a negative review about a wetsuit displaying just a few pixels from a advertisement by the very wetsuit company being reviewed. Our mission is to focus on our community. We support the infrastructure partially through advertising, but our policies favor our members and your truthful reviews will be published, positive or negative.

Thanks for contributing to the community!


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date: October 31, 2016

Team BT