The Marine Who Gave Me a Dream

author : Browe79
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This man’s story was so inspiring that my brother and I committed to doing an Ironman by the time we turned thirty.

Years ago my brother and I watched the Ironman on TV. That year there was a retired marine who participated in the race but he didn’t participate alone. For the entire triathlon he pulled, carried, and pushed along his disabled son. In the open water swim, he pulled his son in a raft. For the century bike ride, his son was attached to the front of his tri bike. On the run course, he pushed him in a wheelchair. Both my brother and I were brought to tears by the end of the TV coverage. This man’s story was so inspiring that my brother and I committed to doing an Ironman by the time we turned thirty.

I graduated from high school that year and went on to college. As time past, I forgot about the story but the desire within me remained. The only problem was I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t know a triathlete who could guide me and teach me how to train. I did know one thing I needed...a bike.

As a graduation present from college, my parents agreed to purchase a tri bike for me. I paraded down to the local bike store with my only bike friend, who at that time was a cat 3 cyclist and had no knowledge of triathlons. I bought the only kind of triathlon bike the store had in my size- a beautiful yellow and blue Quintana Roo. A month later, I participated in a duathlon but still wanted to pursue triathlons.

After graduating from college, I moved to Florida for 9 months. Then I moved back home to Ohio to finish planning my wedding. After I got married, my husband and I moved to Georgia. During those two years and three moves my bike became a dust collector, as it was neglected and ridden only a handful of times.

My brother turns thirty this year. There will be no Ironman for him. Life carried him from college to med school and from med school to residency. He is on his way to becoming a pediatric surgeon. His interests also carried him into the world of cycling. He and his wife do at least two or three centuries a year.

As for me, I finally dusted off my tri bike this past spring, found information off the Internet for a local triathlon, and signed up for it. I turned twenty-five this summer and competed in an all women’s sprint triathlon. Instantly I became hooked so I signed up from another one. It may take me a couple years to build my endurance and get deep into the sport but I’m well on my way to achieving my goal. Ironman in five years, here I come!


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date: September 26, 2004


a boy from Montana, dogs, fast cars, Spinning instructor, sunshine, warm weather, mountains


a boy from Montana, dogs, fast cars, Spinning instructor, sunshine, warm weather, mountains

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