My Off Season Schedule

author : Ron
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Maintain a two-day-a-week swimming and running routine. If this happens, my 2005 times should be greatly improved in these areas.

For many of us, the off season is here.  Some of you may be base-building to get ready for longer events in 2005.  Some may be taking it easy, resting, enjoying other sports or just maintaining some of your volume.  Whatever the reason, let’s hear about how you ‘do’ the off season.  

What we want to know is how you faired in the 2004 triathlon season, your 2005 goals, your off-season goals and your weekly schedule.  We hope that if we get several people submitting their off-season goals, others can get some inspiration to continue their training (at least somewhat) so one doesn’t have to start over in 2005.  We really just don’t want to send out a ‘lost triathlete’ search party.  This will also serve you to do some good thinking, reflecting and planning.  If you have been a little lost or down post-season, this mental exercise will serve to get you excited and maybe learn a little something about yourself, your limiters and what to focus on.

I’ll start. 

2004 Season Synopsis:

Started off with, in retrospect, some overly lofty goals of doing an Olympic triathlon series in Ohio – about seven races.  I made this decision a few months before my second child was born.  Unfortunately, the economies of scale do not exist when going from one to two children.  I completed the second race in June, newborn arrived and was able to do one more a month later.  The good thing is, this season was better then last year as I was injured with tendonitis and did none at all.

2005 Goals:

Not sure yet…do three triathlons?  I’m not moving up in length yet…will stay at the Olympic distance level due to time constraints.  I am debating on doing a marathon for the 2005 season opener.  My swimming needs much improvement and this winter would offer the perfect opportunity.  As history would dictate during winter-time, my biking drops off completely and the swim is not far behind.  I am frequently trying to play ‘catch up’ as far as swimming goes come spring-time.  Too little, too late.  Note that I am not trying to be competitive yet - but just to stay healthy, fit and have fun while leaving plenty of time with my new family.  But let's just say that thoughts of doing longer events like a 1/2 and a full IM are definitely simmering on the back burner of my mind.

This Off-Season:

Maintain a two-day-a-week swimming and running routine.  If this happens, my 2005 times should be greatly improved in these areas.  During off-season I switch gears though.  It’s weight-lifting three times a week.  I like iron and always have.  I think it’s in my genetic code or something.  My goals in this area are to surpass my old PR’s from before (another) injury a couple years ago.  I have met these in a few exercises to date, but I also need to work in a back and leg routine – so far I haven’t done any of these yet.  I plan to add hopefully 5-10lbs of lean mass while also staying lean from the running and swimming.  I am sure I will be doing no biking – at least outside.  Inside? Well….hmmmm.  I’m going to need some motivation on this part.

Time Constraints:

I can’t work-out on weekends.  I spend time with the family.  Before, I usually made us late to many weekend events should I try to fit training time in.  Now, I do all my workouts after work as I go to bed very late so my wife gets some sleep soon as I walk through the door (the kids don’t let her sleep much).  Soon as the kids can sleep all night, I would like to try the early morning routine so I can get home earlier instead of 7:.  Anything outside (running) needs to be done directly after work due to dwindling daylight.  By winter-time I usually am running in the dark.

My Idealized Off-Season Schedule is:

Monday        Chest, Triceps, Abdominals, Short Swim

Tuesday        Long Run

Wednesday   Shoulders, Biceps

Thursday       Short Run

Friday            Back, Legs, Long Swim

Saturday        Off

Sunday          Off

Why did I choose this schedule?  Having weight-training for the legs on Friday will give them three days to rest before my long run.  The short run should not interfere.  Ideally I don’t like to swim after weight-training but running is more important to be by itself.  I picked swimming on Mondays and Fridays as these involve the shoulders less.  Friday will be the best day for swimming as my back and leg routine is the one that least interferes with swimming.  I don’t schedule anything on my running days as I need all my energy.  Besides, I’m next to the pool when I weight train, so why not swim after lifting so I don’t need to go to the gym five days a week?  I have before run my short runs after lifting and this does work out ok should you need to do it – but only on your short runs.  Remember, this is a serious lifting routine…takes a lot of energy out of me.

We would love to hear yours.  Just click 'submit an article' in the correct category veiw.  We will feature members off-season training plans every week.  Hope to see yours.


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date: October 10, 2004


I started this site 10 years ago after doing my first triathlon in 2001. My goal for this site is to get people healthy and happy. I firmly believe that triathlon is the best 'sport' for your body as it has less impact then the more popular single sport(running) while incorporating your upper body from swimming allows for a balanced-body approach to fitness.


I started this site 10 years ago after doing my first triathlon in 2001. My goal for this site is to get people healthy and happy. I firmly believe that triathlon is the best 'sport' for your body as it has less impact then the more popular single sport(running) while incorporating your upper body from swimming allows for a balanced-body approach to fitness.

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