6 Stretches for Your Hips—with Example Images

author : dtlyons
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Here are some examples of things you can do to improve your hip flexibility and reduce training pains.

Here are several different movements to help with your hip flexibility, and your hip pain if you have any. Each stretch also has pictures to help you out, so be sure to look at them while you’re figuring out how to do the stretch. If something makes your leg feel like it is going to fall off, stop and reassess what you’re doing.

Full Squat Position

  • Feet Pointed Straight Forward

  • Push your knees out

  • Keep your back straight by trying to push your chest up

  • Hold this position for several minutes

Note: If you can’t maintain this position, try holding onto a wall or something else to stabilize.

Tall “C”

This is primarily for stretching your IT band. Here it goes:

  • Place the toes of your right foot behind the heel of left foot.

  • Push your hips to the right and your torso to the left

    • Try to make a “C” shape with your body

  • Hold this stretch for 20 to 30 seconds

Note: Feel free to grab onto something to maintain your balance.

Front to back Swing

This one is pretty much what it sounds like. It is great to help stretch the hip flexors.

  • Stand up straight

  • Take your right leg and start swinging it in front of you and behind you (see pictures)

  • Swing your leg so that it passes from front to back 10 times

  • Then repeat for your left leg

Note: You can hold onto a wall if you need something to help you balance.

Side to Side Swing

These are great for stretching your glutes. They’re the same sort of thing as the front to back swing, except it’s side to side:

  • Stand up straight

  • Take your right leg and start swinging it to your left then to your right (see pictures)

  • Swing your leg so that it passes from left to right 10 times

  • Then repeat for your left leg

Note: You can hold onto a wall if you need something to help you balance.

Supine Hip Flexor Stretch

This stretch will stretch out both your hip flexors, upper hamstrings, and the glutes. Here’s how it works:

  • Lay down on your back

  • Lift the knee of your right leg toward your chest while keeping your left leg fully extended.

  • Place your hands on your knee that’s off of the ground

  • Use your hands to pull your knee towards your chest

  • Hold this position for about 20 seconds

  • Repeat with the opposite leg

Hula-hoop Stretch

It’s just like playing with a hula-hoop.

  • Stand Up straight

  • Place the heels of your feet below the outsides of your shoulders

  • Rotate your hips like you’re playing with a hula-hoop


Each of these stretches can be performed as part of your warm-up before training or as additional mobility work. Train hard.


Dave Lyons is an athlete and trainer, he is currently writing about the symptoms and causes of hip pain at hippain.info .


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date: February 29, 2020
