Spreading the Word

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I want your tastes to be satisfied. I want you to feel like you’re coming home each Monday when you view the new articles uploaded to the site.

Dear Readers,

Sister Helen looked me straight in the eye. Even though she was the vice-principle and I was only nine my gaze never wavered. I stared at her. I dared her to answer what I knew was an impossible question.

“If God is good all the time and if in the beginning there was only good, then how could the devil ever be bad?”

That was the question I had asked my fourth-grade theology teacher. Used to what she called my insolence, Mrs. Smith promptly sent me down to the veep’s office in hopes that I’d be scared into silence.

Twenty-three years later I’m still asking impossible questions. I turned it into a career becoming a newspaper reporter in high school, college and then the real world.
I can’t help it. I’m inquisitive. I’m not so interested in the what, as I am in the how.

So it’s no surprise that nine months ago, when I made up my mind to do a triathlon, I devoured the Internet looking for information.

• How do you do this?
• How do you swim, bike and run without wanting to collapse?
• How do you improve your run time when you’ve never run before?
• How do you swim faster when you don’t know how to breathe?

Impossible questions. At least for the websites I found out there. I came across several web sites that talked regularly about the Ironman but nothing about iron will.

I logged countless hours in the library reading through books and magazines. I found a bounty of information meant for those in the middle of training. But it was too overwhelming for me, a beginner. I craved something different. Then I found beginnertriathlete.com. My taste was satisfied.

I want your tastes to be satisfied. I want you to feel like you’re coming home each Monday when you view the new articles uploaded to the site. I want you to find what you want, need, crave to begin this journey and to finish strong.

I am a purist at heart. So the content I bring will seek to serve the beginner triathlete. For the sake of clarity let’s define beginner. A beginner to me is anyone starting something new. From the former cross-country runner turned swimmer to Ironman veteran training for his second race to the couch potato computer programmer turned cyclist these all fit the definition of beginner – We have to take it one step at a time and B.T.com is here to help us all.

What makes B.T.com different from other websites is that we concentrate on building a community for beginners without alienating (we hope) hardcore veterans. The community we build includes experienced folks and veterans and beginners with high aspirations – ½ IM’s, marathons, even Kona one day. So the expert veterans, the ones who has been where others want to go belong just as much as the never-ever. For their advice, expertise, knowledge and inspiration are valuable to us all. Because let’s face it, whether you are training for your second Ironman or struggling to learn how to run for your first 5K you are a beginner. Both athletes are seeking to take their goals to another level. So this community’s foundation is experienced folks. We want experts, veterans, folks who have been tri’ing for years. That will help us to develop communication that appeals to those who were previously on the outside looking in.

This community is important because when you start something new it’s difficult to feel apart of something. You don’t know the terminology. You don’t know what’s kosher and what’s not. You don’t know a lot. And you need to feel comfortable enough to ask a bunch of questions of folks who won’t get tired of answering them. So this web site is for you.

The bulk of our articles will cover the following areas:

Technical Training — Technique for all three disciplines is a must to know. What’s the best way to breathe efficiently on the swim? How do I improve my running time? Is spin class the same as riding outside? Why is my run time faster on the treadmill? Why is my run time slower on the treadmill? These are just some of the questions our technique articles will seek to answer.

Product Reviews — Think of this as “Tri Eye” for the Athlete. Not only will we include reviews of the latest and hottest triathlon equipment but we will offer you tips on what equipment you really need to do this sport. What the heck are Aerobars? When’s the best time to shop for a tri bike. Do I really need a heart monitor? Some of these questions and more will be handled in upcoming articles.

Nutrition — Many people begin a sporting lifestyle to lose weight. Some insane folks even begin doing triathlons to shed the pounds. But even if you’re svelte nutrition is one of the most important factors that could help or harm the performance of an endurance athlete. In the coming months we will have articles that explain the physiology of nutrition and the athlete, recipies for the weight-conscious, daily food journals from some Ironman and Ultra-Ironman veterans and columns from nutritionists who are dedicated helping the triathlete perform better.

The Staples — When my mom made her infamous “Chicken Cacciatore,” meal she would always include the staples – meat, veggies, and bread. This website will do the same. The meat is our technical training articles, veggies information about nutrition, but the bread of life will be our inspirational and testimonial sections. We can all be good triathletes on our own but we become better people when we’re in a community. First-person testimonies, humorous articles, mental massages even just good reads are always welcomed at B.T.

Ask Mrs. B.T. – This is a monthly column by which we answer your questions with our resident experts and researchers. Feel free to ask anything. We will try to answer as best we can.

In addition to these mainstays B.T. will offer information about the tri world from all parts of the global. We’re a global community and it’s high time we act like one.

The information will be presented in well-researched articles that you could find in any daily newspaper or magazine but are now online. We are building a band of professional writers loaning talent and determination just to make this website more appealing to you all. Please send them an e-mail or private message when they hit the mark. And condolences along with suggestions when they don’t.

In the recent past we’ve added content from tri superstars like Mark Allen, Shanna Armstrong and Wendy Ingraham, expect more of that. All were beginners once and they graciously agreed to help others become veterans. Also in the coming months be on the look out for medical advice columns from some of the country’s premiere sports medicine doctors and expert advice from the triathlon world’s top coaches.

The vision is simple – build a sleek, easy-to-read website filled with substance that seeks to answer the impossible questions of beginner triathletes.

With your help and commitment I know we can do it.

So that’s it folks. A shortened version of my vision for this web site. Of course, it’s my vision but it’s really your site. If there’s something missing that you think should be included e-mail me. If we publish an article that doesn’t hit the mark – e-mail me. If you like what you see and want a little more – e-mail me. And if you just want to talk – well, you know what to do.


Ovetta Sampson
Managing Content Editor

“Spreading The Word,” is a monthly column written by Ovetta Sampson, managing content editor for Beginner Triathlete.com. Ovetta may be new to triathlons but she’s an old hat at writing. A Pulitzer-prize nominated journalist, former daily newspaper reporter and all around Type-A girl, Ovetta’s job is to keep you coming back for more. She started her triathlon experience in January of 2004 and after doing four sprint triathlons she’s hooked. Now she’s using her experience in communication to help other beginners who seek better, more timely and entertaining information about the beloved sport of triathlons. If you have questions about an article, a story idea, a hankering to write or just want to chat drop her an e-mail at [email protected]  Always the servant, she’s willing to assist you in anyway. Help make Beginnertriathlete.com a better community. Spread the word!



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date: October 17, 2004


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Literature - the big heavies - Wright, Shakespeare, Zora, etc.
Love movies, singing (Karaoke), traveling, swimming, dancing and playing all kinds of card games. Love good food, better wine and even better entertainment.
Help children in poverty. Sponsor a child today.

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