The Latest News in Sports Nutrition

author : infosteward
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The best hydration formula includes a mixture of salt and a variety of carbohydrates, amino acids are good to decrease muscle soreness but not necessary to increase performance.

You’re zooming up a hellish climb. You’ve been on your bike for two hours and now the ride is just getting good. You’ve got about 25 miles to go on and you’re feeling good. So good you only “visit,” the aide station. You don’t stay, don’t want to waste time. You turnaround, hop on your bike and get ready to hump the last few miles. With just 10 miles to go you feel some mild discomfort. A minor leg cramp, nothing you can’t handle. Then 10 minutes later the pain attacks the left leg. Then the pain attacks the right leg. You fall off your bike. Your whole body is one big muscle cramp. Your thighs are the size of watermelons. You can’t speak. You can’t breathe. You can’t see. All you can do is scream the pain is so bad. What happened? Did you lose a bet with God? Nah, more than likely you’re the victim of bad nutrition.

It is essential that endurance athletes replenish nutrients they lose during intense and prolonged sports activity. [.....]

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date: June 14, 2005


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