Spreading the Word - Remember When...?

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Well folks, it’s December and time for the requisite year-in-review. Let’s take a look down memory lane together to reflect upon our first year as triathletes.

By Ovetta Sampson, Managing Content Editor.

Well folks, it’s December and time for the requisite year-in-review. But instead of traipsing through the tepid offerings Hollywood could muster this year or drilling through the mountain of political and international transformations that has happened in 2004, I decided to be a little more self-indulgent. Let’s take a look down memory lane together to reflect upon our first year as triathletes.

Thanks to Ron’s obsessive-compulsive disorder for data we actually can look back on our triathlon progress without delusions of grandeur or fuzzy selective memories. I actually have real logged data to chart my advancement from buffalo to gazelle. Well, maybe the transformation isn’t complete but you get the picture.

When you do these retrospectives it’s tempting to dwell on the 'not-good enoughs'. This race time wasn’t good enough, this swim time didn’t quite meet expectations, I suck at biking. But we will have none of that. I choose to look back by saying, “Remember when…?

Remember when – I couldn’t run for two minutes without needing to stop?
Captain’s Log Feb. 9, 2004 — Today was my first crack at running. Hmmmmmm..... Running. Boy it's just not as easy as it is in the pool. In the pool I'm like stoked, knowing that I'll not only finish the 1/2 mile but I'll do it in a good time. I'm like the Head of the Class. On the treadmill I feel like the class clown. Barely able to make it ONE minute of running without stopping. It's embarrassing, discouraging and a little sad. 
Now I can run for an hour nonstop like it was a breeze.

Remember when — I did my first 5k on St. Patty’s Day and I was slower than molasses?
Captain’s Log March 13, 2004 — I was surprised they still had food and water for me since I was so long in coming to the finish line. It was distracting to still be running the race while folks were walking the course going to the St. Patty's Day parade. And they also closed the streets while I was still doing my last 3/4 mile. So spectators and slow runners were mixing and mingling. It was a little confusing. People yelled at me thinking I was finished with the race when I still had a 1/4 to go.
Over the year I took more than eight minutes off my 5K!

Remember when — I hit 230 pounds and thought I couldn’t get any lower?
Captain’s Log April 1, 2004 — 230 is usually my plateau mark. I haven't been under 230 in more than two years.
I’m down to 217 now and still counting!

Remember when — I took my first Master’s Swim Class and got my butt kicked?
Captain’s Log May 5, 2004 — This Master Swim Class is killing me. The warm up again was 1,000 meters. Then we had to do 2-500m sets, with 2-200m sets, then 2-400m sets with 2-200m, then 150 easy and then some cool down sets. The total workout would have been 5300m, or 3500m if you took it easy! Wow. The whole time I'm swimming I'm thinking what the heck have I gotten myself into here. Then I found out that this Master Swimming Class is ultra-competitive.
Ok, so I’m still getting my butt kicked but I’m having a lot more fun!

Remember when — I completed my first sprint triathlon and I was on cloud nine?
Captain’s Log May 15, 2004 — Overall, I was disappointed with my swim time but pleased with the bike and even the run considering the hills. But all that crap doesn't matter because guess what gang????? I'M A TRIATHLETE! WHOO DOGGIES, I ROCK!
That one speaks for itself!

Remember when — I did Danskin for the first time and the hills almost killed me?
Captain’s Log July 18, 2004 — HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE BAH'S! If you remember my last tri you'll remember the phrase I coined - Big A$$ Hills! (BAH's for short). Well this course was full of them. From the start to the finish there were BAH'S everywhere. I mean c'mon! I just plain ran out of gas on the bike. I didn't eat enough to tackle those hills. "My Lord! Help me Jesus" I was screaming. How in the world can a road have hills on both the left and the right at the same time? It was like the Tour De France. There were so many women I had to actually pass people! I had to slow down, wait for women to pass me and then pass others. It was crazy. But I really used my gears well between the hills. Now if I could just figure out how to go fast on hills without exerting myself!
Did the same course one month later and took more than 10 minutes off my bike time!

Remember when — I did the same course as Danskin in August and kicked butt?
Captain’s Log Aug. 29, 2004 — WOO HOO, WOO HOO, WOO HOO. Sorry I'm just a little excited. My swim was under 2 min per 100 m. I'VE NEVER GONE LESS THAN 2 MIN PER 100 M in practice or any of my other races. I was so stoked about this. I didn't find out about it until after the race. But after finding out about this I didn't care about the bike and the run. Yeahhhhh! Doing the same course was great. I just realized that I improved on every leg. My swimming, biking and running were all faster than my last tri at this course. Guess training is paying off.

Remember when — I was coming home from a weekend trip to see my mom and the pilot had a heart attack?
Captain’s Log September 6, 2004 — Thankfully, the pilot was stable at the hospital. A Pizza Hut in Lincoln Nebraska had stayed late and cooked us all a midnight snack. The first officer, Clayton, bought the pizzas for us. People still grumbled about being late. They wanted free tickets and the like. I leaned back against my seat and smiled. I had had my 30 seconds. It was fleeting. But I had my 30 seconds and my thoughts were singular and clear. I was ready to meet my creator but just not yet. Let him take me another day. That night it wasn’t meant to be. I was in control by giving it up. I controlled my thoughts and actions. And that was control enough for me.
My life was never the same.

Remember when — I ran for 40 minutes straight for the first time?
Captain’s Log Oct. 10, 2004 — It was beautiful. Six times around the park. Beautiful yellow leaves, green grass, it was wonderful. Great fall day. Yeahhhhh! I'm a runner.

Remember when — I went shopping for new pants and found I’d drop four dress sizes?
Captain’s Log Nov. 21, 2004 — Spent the morning in church and then went to the gym. Then went shopping. Yeah! I'm down four dress sizes! I haven't been this size since college and it feels really, really good. The scale isn't reflecting any weight loss though, haven't really lost any weight this month, but I can't believe that I'm truly down four dress sizes. Woo Hoo. Yeah!

Remember when — I found B.T.com and my life changed forever? Oh yeah, how could I ever forget?

“Spreading The Word,” is a monthly column written by Ovetta Sampson, managing content editor for BeginnerTriathlete.com. Ovetta may be new to triathlons but she’s an old hat at writing. A Pulitzer-prize nominated journalist, former daily newspaper reporter and all around Type-A girl, Ovetta’s job is to keep you coming back for more. She started her triathlon experience in January of 2004 and after doing four sprint triathlons she’s hooked. Now she’s using her experience in communication to help other beginners who seek better, more timely and entertaining information about the beloved sport of triathlons. If you have questions about an article, a story idea, a hankering to write or just want to chat drop her an e-mail at [email protected] Always the servant, she’s willing to assist you in anyway. Help make Beginnertriathlete.com a better community. Spread the word!



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date: December 27, 2004


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New biz venture for me check it out: writewaywriting.com
Literature - the big heavies - Wright, Shakespeare, Zora, etc.
Love movies, singing (Karaoke), traveling, swimming, dancing and playing all kinds of card games. Love good food, better wine and even better entertainment.
Help children in poverty. Sponsor a child today.

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