My Life-Changing Testimony: A Christian Perspective on Triathlon

author : Daniel Clout
comments : 5

I was humbled last year. My body shut down on me just before two World Championship events. I was originally in top form to medal in both, but my strength was sapped from me.

I'd like to share how I have discovered the true purpose of life.

I have had an excellent upbringing in New Zealand and have had phenomenal experiences traveling the world, doing well in my sport and really having a stupendous first 23 years of my life. However there was always a void in me, always trying to prove myself to others and find happiness in superficial things. I thought I had the strongest mind and body so that I could do whatever I set my mind to.

However I was humbled last year. My body shut down on me just before two World Championship events. I was originally in form to medal in both, but my strength was sapped from me so just completing those races became a victory. Last year things continued to go from bad to worse; my whole world came crashing on top of me. Life suddenly became very unfair! I realized just how immoral this world is and I became increasingly disgusted how even the laws of this world are not set up for the righteous. As a man of high integrity I wanted to separate myself from this. So I started reading the Bible for my first time. I loved everything it said including the encouragement I got from it. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future" (Jeremiah 29:11).

Last year I accepted Jesus into my heart and have been faithfully and enthusiastically abiding by God's decrees. This has been the best decision I have ever made. I have found full contentment, peace, happiness and victory over every circumstance.

I have discovered we were born by God's purpose for his purpose. I was being egocentric in aiming to achieve high status in triathlon for my own glory and benefits. How ludicrous this seems now, because my athletic gift is not something I have created myself but purely from God for his enjoyment and victory. This is why I intend to dedicate every race I do to God for the rest of my life.

In hindsight, I would definitely say last year's troubles were a blessing in disguise . My life started looking bleak, and I was getting tormented by dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. It was becoming very destructive to my soul. This caused me to do some serious searching into God. I found he was my only answer, the only thing that makes sense in this world which is fair and just. I started claiming the scripture, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5).

I have always believed EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. I look back on last year with a positive outlook, knowing God allowed me to go through those things to develop and mold my character and change my ways, so that he would have my entire heart and I would end up having a better future with him.

I have now concluded that I have been battling Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue—something that doesn't show up in blood work. I did not experience 'burn out,' or a 'breakdown,' nor has this been 'all in my mind!' None of the high profile doctors I saw in the US had a clue as to what was wrong with me, and their guesses were far from the truth. From my own research I have found I have all the symptoms of Fibromyalgia—having extremely fatigued, heavy and painful muscles. It is an incurable disease. However, I know that Jesus paid the ultimate price for all our sins and sicknesses by dying on the cross. Lately I have been really pressing into my faith by stepping out in faith by getting back into training and racing. I know miracles and divine healing do not come without trying.

I want to elaborate on my faith. I am NOT religious. I AM CHRISTIAN. There is a huge difference, for they are really opposites!!! I have a personal relationship with God and every single thing I do is God-oriented. I don't have to go to Church to be saved, (but try and stop me!!!), nor am I brain washed or under domination by man. I will not judge man by what religion he is, for God is the Judge. He only cares about having our hearts and I know there will certainly be no 'denominations' in heaven.

I am not interested in preaching to non-Christians. Instead I believe actions speak louder than words. I am the last person you would expect to be a Christian for I have always been extremely strong-willed and used to making my own rules. The biggest thing that stopped me from giving my full heart to God was I didn't want to stop fornicating. Now as a Christian I have absolutely no problem being celibate until marriage for I desire only love, no longer have a problem with lust or gratifying the desires of my sinful nature. My two biggest weaknesses were alcohol and women, which were tripping me up and distracting me from doing my best in triathlon. I have discovered being a Christian is in my best interest of being a triathlete and vice versa.

By surrendering fully to God I have a different outlook on life. I am blown away by God's grace, love, the confidence and blessings I get from being obedient to him. A quote from a rock star, Josh Brown (from 'Day Of Fire', formally 'Full Devil Jacket'), who has been converted stated in his testimony: "I started to realize that I had a hole inside of me that could not be filled by the things of this world. The more I tried to fill this hole with money, sex or fame, the emptier I became...I asked Jesus to forgive me for my sins and be Lord of my life...God took away my desire for drugs completely and freed me from my addictions by the power of the Holy Spirit. He gave me a new mind and filled my life with an underlying hope. I found my purpose and peace inside of him".

I personally challenge you! Do you think that winning lottery, becoming famous or finding the right partner will make you happier if you do not have Christ in your life?

My passion now is for eternal rewards.

If you have accepted Christ into your heart today I would love to hear about it. Or if you have any genuine questions I'd be happy to try and answer them. You can contact me by: [email protected] 

Daniel clout (Kiwi fella who speaks his mind!)


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date: April 17, 2005

Daniel Clout

Years in Triathlon: First triathlon at age 12
Heart Rate Resting: 32
Max: 202
Coach: Michael Jacques

Go PROFESSIONAL within a few years.
OLYMPICS 2008 is a VERY realistic goal - so I will keep extremely focused on achieving this.

avatarDaniel Clout

Years in Triathlon: First triathlon at age 12
Heart Rate Resting: 32
Max: 202
Coach: Michael Jacques

Go PROFESSIONAL within a few years.
OLYMPICS 2008 is a VERY realistic goal - so I will keep extremely focused on achieving this.

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