Approximately how long do you think can I reasonably expect to keep making these improvements in speed and performance? I know it has to drop off sometime, I'd just like to have an idea of when.
Question from marmadaddy:
I'm a 41 year old relatively new triathlete of one year coming from a non-athletic background. I wasn't in particularly bad shape before starting triathlon training, but neither was I particularly fit. I was slightly overweight and quit smoking two years ago.
I've heard it said that one of the great things about starting to train and race later in life is that you get to see these improvements, rather than seeing your speed and performance decrease. The fitness and speed gains I've made over the last year have been pretty remarkable.
Assuming a training regimen of between 4 and 8 hours per week depending on the season and my training plan, approximately how long do you think can I reasonably expect to keep making these improvements in speed and performance? I know it has to drop off sometime, I'd just like to have an idea of when. [.....]
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date: May 15, 2005
1989-1995 Ironman Champion, Mark runs, a online triathlon training system for athletes.
1989-1995 Ironman Champion, Mark runs, a online triathlon training system for athletes.
Long-Term Training Gains, What to Expect? Q&A with Mark Allen
Approximately how long do you think can I reasonably expect to keep making these improvements in speed and performance? I know it has to drop off sometime, I'd just like to have an idea of when.
Question from marmadaddy:
I'm a 41 year old relatively new triathlete of one year coming from a non-athletic background. I wasn't in particularly bad shape before starting triathlon training, but neither was I particularly fit. I was slightly overweight and quit smoking two years ago.
I've heard it said that one of the great things about starting to train and race later in life is that you get to see these improvements, rather than seeing your speed and performance decrease. The fitness and speed gains I've made over the last year have been pretty remarkable.
Assuming a training regimen of between 4 and 8 hours per week depending on the season and my training plan, approximately how long do you think can I reasonably expect to keep making these improvements in speed and performance? I know it has to drop off sometime, I'd just like to have an idea of when. [.....]
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