Skirtsports – Marathon Girl

author : Team BT
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My first reaction to wearing a skirt while running was, “are you crazy?” I am no girly girl. I then tried one of the newest skirts from Nicole DeBoom’s TRIKS line and I can tell you I’m hooked.

By Cathy McElwain Guest Reviewer

OK, I admit it. My first reaction to wearing a skirt while running was, “are you crazy?” I am no girly girl. But then I tried one of the newest skirts from Nicole DeBoom’s TRIKS (that’s skirt spelled backwards, in case you didn’t catch it) line and I can tell you I’m hooked. I looked at them on  There are several styles to choose from (for both workouts and playtime), but I tried out the Marathon girl. It’s a funky silver (a.k.a. latte) with hot pink “spankies” and trim. Spankies are basically underwear underneath the skirt, meaning no other underwear is necessary. Amazingly, it is not see-through! OK, so it’s a cute skirt. Time to take it for a spin on a weekday run to see how it functions.

Running along, you can’t help but keep looking at the skirt. It’s pretty cool. And it looks great! The skirt stayed in place, and didn’t give the world a free show. It doesn’t flop up and down. And once you start sweating, the spankies really stay put! No riding up!

The Marathon Girl skirt comes in 5 cool colors: denim (blue), ink (dark blue), smooch (pink), latte (silver), and chocolate (dark brown). All have pink trim. Sizes run from XS to XL. There is a size chart on the website.

One thing that may be an issue is chafing. If your thighs touch at all when you run, some Body Glide might be in order.


The Product

Skirtsports – Marathon Girl


The Maker (

The Price


The Rating


The Skinny

Running, in a skirt? Not the first thing you think about doing, but Nicole DeBoom has a hit on her hands with her new line of sporty skirts. They’re comfortable, manageable and, best of all, they can make even the non-girliest girl feel great being girly and working out! A+


The skirt fits great. The website states that the Marathon Girl skirt runs a bit on the small side and to compare your sizing to Gap underwear sizes. It also says that Nicole DeBoom wears a medium. It sits low on the hips for an ultra-fashionable look. If there is any question about size, go up a size. For more info, see the FAQ section on the website where sizing issues are addressed in depth 

The Marathon Girl skirt is made of a blend of 80% polyester and 20% spandex. The polyester is a wicking material to keep you cool. The spandex helps the skirt maintain its shape and keeps those spankies where they belong – covering your butt. The spankies’ seams are on the outside for the most comfort — super comfortable to wear.

The skirt serves its purpose. It covers, stays in place, doesn’t flop, and even wicks away sweat. And it looks great! What more could you ask for?

The Marathon Girl skirt runs $60 US. If you order online, there are shipping costs as well. Orders over a total of $150 have free shipping (nice!). However, on there is a listing of retailers. Sixty dollars is a lot of money for a piece of clothing for training or even racing, however, you’ll find this quickly becomes the favorite outfit to run in, and the money will then be worth it. There is also a point system now on the website, so for every $1 you spend, you get 2 points which translates into money off your next order.

Overall comments
I rate this skirt as a 4.5 of 5. I love the fact that it is a skirt, it is fashionable, cute, comfortable, and comes in cool colors. It has become my favorite running bottom, but I certainly use Body Glide to prevent thigh chafing! This is the only negative point for me. Even though I was rather skeptical at first, I’ve moved to the skirt side!

One note, the skirts currently do not come in a version with a chamois pad (i.e., like tri shorts), but apparently this will be an option for next year, so keep your eyes peeled


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date: October 2, 2005

Team BT