Beginner Triathlete - Scott Tinley's Writings articles

author : Scott Tinley
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photoScott Tinley on working to play, or playing at work.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoMultisport athletes don’t have to look like cover models from some cheesy sex-and-abs magazine. You just have to be comfortable in your own skin however logo-d or clear.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoTriathlon style is no longer defined in the Nuevo replication of wool cycling jerseys and neon footwear. The style of swim/bike/run is a look and feel and way of being in the multisport world.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoThere is a serious, devoted athlete, committed to the task of triathlon. He is happy because his heart rate is low, his blood lactate is low and his chances in this year’s Kona lottery is high.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoStripped of its three-figure entry fees and five figure bikes, when the gun goes off it's still a bunch of crazies doing three sports for a thousand reasons.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoWe often forget the Other, that person or persons living behind the doors of our individual hubris, that secreted cheerleader who polishes our medals but never wins one of their own.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoTinley on triathlon, aging, and the attitude of a masters athlete
author : Scott Tinley
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photo"Fandom" in triathlon compared to other sports. If you're a sports fan and simply love to follow sport, why pick a sport that may offer a view of the start, the finish and a few moments in between?
author : Scott Tinley
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photoExercising in inclement weather is a lot like getting a flu shot or going to your in-laws for the holidays—you know that it’s probably good for you but still isn’t something that thrills you to death.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoThere are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
photoIf you ask beginning triathletes what they fear most, a standard response usually includes some reference to mass swim starts and bike crashes.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoPart One: On Speed, Desire and Age. There are some advantages to running slowly. Now, give me a minute here and I'll try to think of one.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoTriathletes have embraced any new device in the belief it will increase their speed and performance. Ten millimeter thick wetsuits and ten pound bikes sell for more than most paid for their first car.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoThe attitude of Wildflower
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
photoTraveling as an athlete is better than traveling as a tourist or on business or even just wandering around with a backpack and a holey sleeping bag. An athlete is given wide birth.
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