Beginner Triathlete - Scott Tinley's Writings articles

author : Scott Tinley
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photoSport and religion both celebrate group values and offer excitement. Sport and religion are grounded in disciplined practice, a devotion to a cause, and a belief in the unseen. And both require faith.
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
photoTinley on triathlon, aging, and the attitude of a masters athlete
author : Scott Tinley
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photoPart Three: What's Reality Got to Do with Anything Old?
author : Scott Tinley
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photoThere are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoOf the many ironies inherent to youth participation in multisport, the fact that it’s tougher for them than it is for adults might be the most suggestive.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoThe sport of triathlon is rife with untold stories of chicanery and altruism, deviousness and grace.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoWe often forget the Other, that person or persons living behind the doors of our individual hubris, that secreted cheerleader who polishes our medals but never wins one of their own.
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
photoIf you ask beginning triathletes what they fear most, a standard response usually includes some reference to mass swim starts and bike crashes.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoA good sport story gets better with time. Sometimes, it’s because the story has a new teller, a new listener or a new twist; a purposeful tweak that makes a little tale something of legend.
author : Scott Tinley
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photoIt started like this: In the third week of August 1976, three things happened that altered my life forever. And they all took place within a mile of where we sit tonight.
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
photoPart One: On Speed, Desire and Age. There are some advantages to running slowly. Now, give me a minute here and I'll try to think of one.
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 3
photoAfter all these years, had sport become too much like work that it was no longer a respite from that which is labeled work? Or at least feels like it at times?
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 4
photoTinley's take on the motives behind Lance Armstrong's return to triathlon and what it will mean for the sport
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 1
photoAs endurance athletes we purposely trick our psyches. Our minds hop-scotching our physical bodies. We play chicken with something very personal.
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 0
photoTriathlon style is no longer defined in the Nuevo replication of wool cycling jerseys and neon footwear. The style of swim/bike/run is a look and feel and way of being in the multisport world.
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