AMSSM's articles on

author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoImproving running speed doesn't need to be a lost cause just becuase of a history of knee injuries.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoFeeling bloated during training and racing is a common concern with endurance sports like triathlon. More salt or more water? Read more!
author : AMSSM
comments : 2
photoCan running worsen spinal stenosis? Is it possible to compete in triathlons with this condition?
author : AMSSM
comments : 2
photoDo you have iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS)? Thinking about having Active Release Techniques (ART) done? This article will address ITBS and how ART can help.
author : AMSSM
comments : 2
photoInformation on how long the risk of tendon rupture persists after levofloxacin use is hard to find. Tendon rupture could occur as early as a few hours to as late as six months after the initial dose.
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoCalf injuries can occur from a sudden overload or from repetitive microtrauma. If not treated appropriately and promptly, an acute injury can lead to chronic pain.
author : AMSSM
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photoI've noticed when running that my hands start to swell. I started running with a fuel belt and started sipping water about 15 minutes into my run. It seemed to help for a few runs, but not all.
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoAre you on a course of antibiotics? A certain class of antibiotics, the quinolones, may put you at risk for increased incidence of tendon injury.
author : AMSSM
comments : 2
photoCrashed on your bike? You may have a clavical fracture. Clavicle fractures are the best, and the worst, fractures to have. Find our more in this article.
author : AMSSM
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photoI have a heel spur in my right foot, and it is progressively getting worse and worse. I would like to have it removed through surgery, but wonder if this is the right thing to do?
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoEverytime I up my run mileage I get injured. As I train I seem to inevitably get pulled calves, IT band syndrome then achilles issues. What can I do?
author : AMSSM
comments : 1
photoWhat causes shin splints and what can I do to treat them and do compression socks work?
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoHave I bitten more off than I should? What do you recommend for progress?
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
photoI have burning hips. They start to hurt about 20 miles into a bike ride and then they hurt as I try to sleep all night long. Stretching and massage don't seem to make much difference.
author : AMSSM
comments : 4
photoCalf pain can have multiple causes. In your case, the most likely cause seems to be from a calf muscle strain. If you have had Achilles problems you can be predisposed to a calf injury.
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The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) was formed in 1991 to fill a void that has existed in sports medicine from its earliest beginnings. The founders most recognized and expert sports medicine specialists realized that while there are several physician organizations which support sports medicine, there has not been a forum specific for primary care non-surgical sports medicine physicians.