As an entry level helmet, this is a good buy for the price. If you are going to be riding out on roads with traffic or at high speeds, I would really recommend you get a helmet that has a safety certification on it. However seeing the details and construction of this extremely inexpensive helmet, it makes me wonder how much they mark up the ones they sell at high-end bike stores! The snap on/snap off sun shield is a really good feature for people who wear eyeglasses.
As an entry level helmet, this is a good buy for the price. If you are going to be riding out on roads with traffic or at high speeds, I would really recommend you get a helmet that has a safety certification on it. However seeing the details and construction of this extremely inexpensive helmet, it makes me wonder how much they mark up the ones they sell at high-end bike stores! The snap on/snap off sun shield is a really good feature for people who wear eyeglasses.
Read MorePurchase link is: Gearbest provided this item in exchange for a review.