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Race Reports for Fox Island Sprint Triathlon Series - Race #3 2011

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Race rating (2)
User photo
  • Organised?No
  • Events on time?Yes

  • Lots of volunteers to help?No
  • Plenty of drink stations?

  • Post race activities?
  • Overall course based on my ability:

  • Comments: First year for the RD and race - lots to be learned for this guy - the poor course marking cost Moody 1st and me some time. I could have gone harder in all 3 disciplines - Mentally, a little on soft side. Not sure if I would do it again. Will be interested in seeing what official splits and time was, especially, since bike course mileage for not correct.
Reported by:
Race rating (2)
User photo
  • Organised?No
  • Events on time?No

  • Lots of volunteers to help?No
  • Plenty of drink stations?No

  • Post race activities? Below average
  • Overall course based on my ability: Just right

  • Comments: I know this was the first year for this race, but lack of volunteers, one restroom facility, short bike course, no markings/voluteers on bike course, trail run (5k ish?) was not publicized very well, limited (at best) markings/voluteers on run course made this a third tier event in my eyes and I won't be back. $65 entry for poorly run event-kind of salty. You won't find me in results b/c I asked to be removed from the event as to not be associated with it. I have a very bitter taste in my mouth after today's race. The positives I will take from today are my solid transitions and the fact that Bob and I would have went 2-3 had I stayed in results.
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