Comments: This was the OPEN DISTANCE, a very short distance to give everyone a small taste of what a Triathlon is like. OPEN DISTANCE is a great way to get people to TRY a TRI and make the sport more accessible and possible for the young and old, the fit and working on it. The OPEN Distance was the last race on SUnday. All the commotion from the SPRINT and Olympic races was over, so it was quieter, more intimate with 75 registered and their families. It was such a positive experience, I registered for the HITS SPRINT for 2015 (50% off the $80 registration fee if you register online, that weekend of the race). They give awards 3 deep for each age group, even for the mini open distance. I was really excited when my name was called for 1st place in my age group. They gave me a gorgeous 1st place Wooden plaque which says" 1st Place, HITS OCALA, OPEN DISTANCE, 45-50 Female, date and location. I was only 44 but I learned from a friend that your age group is based on the age you will be on your
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