July 2008 Nutrition Chat with Coach Marni Rakes

author : mrakes1
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Discussion on nutrition to lose weight while training for sprints, chocolate milk for recovery, daily calorie breakdown, fruits and bike nutrition.

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[danceswithducks] I am doing sprint triathlons and also trying to lose weight. I am confused on caloric intake and pre/post workout nutrition. I have lost 64 pounds since last year but cannot seem to lose anymore. I am actually gaining weight because I started lifting pretty regularly.

[mrakes1] Stick to around 1800-2000 calories a day. Around 150-250 extra calories for every hour of exercise a day. However, most of your nutrition should come from pre training snacks if you work out in the evening and post training snacks like whey protein or milk/yogurt immediately after.

[danceswithducks] I lost too much muscle mass so I began to lift.

[mrakes1] It is ok to put on muscle mass which can increase lean mass but be sure you aren't eating more than your body can use.

I am taking in about 2000-2400 calories a day.

[mrakes1] With sprint training you are using quick fuel (carbs) so be sure to eat small meals and snacks to make sure the fuel is used efficiently.  Also, be sure to add intervals with your training around 85%MHR and up in order to improve speed but then add in 70-80% MHR recovery to be sure you don't deplete yourself. Also, add in some longer training around 70-80%MHR to burn fat for fuel

[danceswithducks] What are the percentages?

[mrakes1] Percentages of your max heart rate. If you have a heart rate monitor you will be able to find out if you are really in the right zone for burning fat and improving performance.

[danceswithducks] I have been using chocolate milk for post workout nutrition, is that ok?

[mrakes1] I recommend whey protein to ensure you are getting the right amount of amino acids to repair your muscles. Rather than having the sugars from the chocolate milk, add 1/2 scoop of whey protein to skim/soy milk. However, if your chocolate milk is around 80 calories it is fine for an occasional treat but you will find recovery will be improved and you will eat less by having the whey protein (look for 90-110 calories per scoop of whey protein).


[mrakes1] The whey and milk (or water) of around 100-150 calories is great for people who tend to miss breakfast or eat a lot after a workout. It will really decrease your appetite and help you eat less without worrying about not refueling properly.

[danceswithducks] Ok! I have read a lot about chocolate milk as a post nutrition since recovery drinks are pricey. What about Infinit or Hammer?

[mrakes1] Hammer I recommend because of the maltodextrin but sports drinks are only recommended for 60 min or more workouts.  Hammer will work well with your 1 1/2- 2 hour workouts. I also recommend Heed.  I recommend Heed over other sport drinks because of the maltodextrin and less sugars like fructose, glucose.

[danceswithducks] You say I should take 1800-2000 calories a day, how should I break that up in percentages. I just started logging my nutrition and noticed I take in a lot of protein. I take in about 40-50% carbs

[mrakes1] As far as daily calories, I like to break it down to three 400-500 calorie meals and two to four 150-250 calorie snacks. Also, remember 150-250 extra calories for every hour of exercise; don't add to meals, just add in a few more snacks. The 150-250 snack should be eaten 1-2 hours before and after meals.  Protein and carbs with the snack always.

[danceswithducks] So about every two hours I should eat something?

[mrakes1] Even if you want a few nuts (around 80-100) one hour and then the next hour a piece of string cheese w/ a few apple slices.  You might go 3 hours after breakfast since usually that is a filling meal for most people but especially in the afternoon, try to snack regularly if you are going to work out in the evening. 

[danceswithducks] What about Myoplex as meals? I also eat a lot of Lean Cuisines.

[mrakes1] I would stick with real meals rather than boxed or frozen meals. You want foods which can satisfy you and are as natural as possible. The Lean Cuisine is ok at times but take those meal ideas and try to make them your own. You will find that you can have a little more of everything if you make your own food and you know what you are eating. I would pass on the Myoplex unless you know you can have a filling snack like toast w/ PB or whole grain dry cereal with that drink. Try to get in some carbs with your protein.

[danceswithducks] I have trouble with the carb thing.

[mrakes1] You will feel less hungry if you eat real food (solid) but if you want to try making a smoothie, you will need a blender, whey protein and any fruit, nuts or yogurt (or milk) to make it filling enough for a meal.

[danceswithducks] I have always been told that the carbs are what make you fat?

[mrakes1]  I understand, we are all busy and having something is better than nothing. Just watch the sugars. Aim for around 50-55% carbs, 20-30% pro and 10-15% fat every day.  Carbs have a lot of water in them so you may feel fat or heavy when eating a lot of carbs. Whole grain, high fiber carbs will digest slowly and when eating them with protein they will digest even slower. This will prevent you from overeating more than you need.  However, too much of anything will cause you too gain weight. However, it is easy to overeat on carbs, especially if they are simple (high sugar) and can digest quickly to raise blood sugar. Carbs are fine and you should eat the whole grain, high fiber ones as often as you can.

[danceswithducks] What about fruits? I have been eating more lately.  Is there a better time to eat fruits?

[mrakes1] Fruits are great!  I would have them as snacks and with your breakfast (or after a workout). If you do have fruit for a snack try to get in some nuts, cheese, PB or other protein (lean/veggie meat) to prevent a rise in blood sugar.  Fruits have a lot of antioxidants and great nutrients but too much, just like anything can add a lot of calories.  I think of fruits and veggies as freebies with your calories but be sure to recognize how much you are eating but to never feel guilty about eating them.

[danceswithducks] What about hydration on the bike? I am using only water but have read some about Accelerade. Could I use Accelerade then HEED as recovery? Should I have a bottle of water and Accelerade because of the calories of Accelerade?  I mean I should only drink it every 20-30 minutes right?

[mrakes1] On the bike I would use 1 scoop Heed. Accelerade has protein in it which is good for the longer workouts (more than 3 hours). However, branch chain amino acids would be another choice for all workouts. Low in calories but it is brain fuel.  You can use Chris Lieto's product Base Nutrition or Amino Vital. Drink around 5 ounces (about a big sip) every 15-20 min on the bike.

[danceswithducks] So for my three + hour rides use HEED?

[mrakes1] If you want a gel, have that if the total length of the workout is more than 2 hours, after the 90 min. mark in your workout. Try to drink water with a gel.

[danceswithducks] I also do adventure races which last 6+ hours. Would HEED be good for that as well?

[mrakes1] Gel every 30-40 min. But be sure to think about your hourly calories from 100 in the gel and then what you are drinking. That is why 1 scoop in your bottle, consuming the bottle every hour will be just fine.  Yes, Heed would be good but I would also recommend Perpeteum for a little protein and fat. Still the right concentration (you can use 1 scoop to reduce calories but still get the benefits).


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date: August 8, 2008


Master of Science degree in Exercise Physiology. I am a certified sports nutritionist through the International Society of Sports Nutrition,I teach spinning and I am CPR certified. I have finished the 2006 Boston marathon, 2006 IMFL, 2007 Ironman world Championship and I am qualified for the 2007 Ironman 70.3 World Championship. I write for Triathlete magazine and I love writing for BT.com!


Master of Science degree in Exercise Physiology. I am a certified sports nutritionist through the International Society of Sports Nutrition,I teach spinning and I am CPR certified. I have finished the 2006 Boston marathon, 2006 IMFL, 2007 Ironman world Championship and I am qualified for the 2007 Ironman 70.3 World Championship. I write for Triathlete magazine and I love writing for BT.com!

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