Member Question: I Can't Float!

author : Tri Swim Coach
comments : 1

I went to the pool the other day and realized I can't float at all. It makes it really hard to swim properly. I get no propulsion from my kick. Any suggestions?

Member Question from getripped

You know how you can blow all the air out of your lungs and sink down and sit on the bottom of the pool? I can do that with a full breath of air. I went to the pool the other day and realized I can't float at all.  I can go all the way to the bottom, give a little push upwards with my toes and I will start to sink again before I even hit the top of the water. Is there something wrong with my body composition that disallows floating?


I am 6'6", 215 lbs., and about 17% body fat. I have worked down from 328 lbs. and 38% body fat. It makes it really hard to swim properly. I get no propulsion from my kick. The only use I get from kicking is keeping my toes from dragging the bottom of the pool. I have the Total Immersion video and book. [.....]

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date: September 24, 2008

Tri Swim Coach

I'm at a resource for beginning through intermediate level triathletes looking for help with swimming. The site features a free email newsletter offering tips and articles on triathlon swimming. I have also written an electronic book titled “The Complete Guide to Triathlon Swimming” and created "The Essential Triathlon Swimming DVD", both available on

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avatarTri Swim Coach

I'm at a resource for beginning through intermediate level triathletes looking for help with swimming. The site features a free email newsletter offering tips and articles on triathlon swimming. I have also written an electronic book titled “The Complete Guide to Triathlon Swimming” and created "The Essential Triathlon Swimming DVD", both available on

For a 20% DISCOUNT on Zoomers Z2 fins and Freestyler paddles, go to and use discount code ‘aggies20’ at checkout!

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