Phases of Swim Training

author : Team BT
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The 5 Necessary Training Phases for Successful Yearly Season

This podcast addresses the five phases of a swimming program for triathlete training. The phases are very important to a triathlete as it gives one the biggest return on their training investment. It teaches one how to approach the triathlon season and build the body in the right way. 

The training season starts with the first phase which is the off season. The off season begins just before the holiday season starting after the final major triathlon of the year, Kona, around mid October. This first phase is the technical phase. It is a time for enhancing mechanics but also for body recovery. It is a good time for a mental and physical break; a body detox after a full year of training and racing. It is most importantly a time to learn the proper mechanics and build a technical foundation to absorb the training load that is to come in the next phases.

As the new year comes so does the start of phase two, the building foundation phase. It is very similar to typical swim training as it  lays the foundation for ability to perform and execute well. This phase last about 12 -13 weeks and builds up a good amount of volume. 

Phase three is the sharpening phase that is just before the start of the triathlon season. It is the phase with traditional swimming taper and sharpening your swimming to be your best work.

Phase four is the open water technical skill-building phase. This phase builds the necessary skills for the particular demands of open water racing.

Finally we jump into phase five, the race ready phase which last about June to October. Everything comes together to perform and swim well in the races. It is important to keep up open water work at least once a week. Additionally, this is an ideal time to reduce the swimming a bit and allow focus on your biking or running training.

Listen to the Podcast Now 


For access to swim workouts, visit and use code T26-BEGINTRI for a 14-day free trial.


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date: November 29, 2017

Team BT