Don MagiePeakXL is a company dedicated to improving the health of our customers through innovative technology.
We are owned by a team of exercise physiologists, athletes and business people who are renowed for their work with athletes and expertise in helping people.
Outfitting Your Bike to You
Whether your bike is new, new to you, or you have not been on the bike for a long time, you really should spend some time thinking about how your bike fits you.
By Don Magie, Cycling Writer
Whether your bike is new, new to you, or you have not been on the bike for a long time, you really should spend some time thinking about how your bike fits you. Last month’s article reviewed some important aspects of posture on the bike and its relationship to your performance, but there was virtually no information on how to accommodate your frame on the bike. Here is some help.
Make Changes to Your Setup Now
As a lifelong cyclist, I can tell you that riding a bike is easy. As a wannabe fast guy, I can tell you that riding fast is hard. Getting fast puts demands on your musculoskeletal system that you may not be aware of and if you don’t setup your bike well, you could cause damage to your body and you will certainly limit your improvement. Beyond that, if you get half way through the year and discover that your setup is wrong and try to change things drastically, then you may have to train or retrain significant muscle groups. [.....]
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