Injuries and Training - Q&A with Mark Allen

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When you're in the middle of your training plan for a major event (Ironman Lake Placid), how do you handle injuries when they come up?

Question from Max:


Sure, I'd like to ask about injuries. When you're in the middle of your training plan for a major event (Ironman Lake Placid), how do you handle injuries when they come up? Take a break until it goes away? Creatively work around it? Seek medical help? Ignore minor injuries hoping they don't become full-blown problems? Is it possible to train 6 months or more for an Ironman and not feel like your body is getting trashed in the process? I hate the thought of losing what I've gained to this point, never mind the pre-paid expenses for the IM and other smaller races leading up to it! Spending several hundred dollars in advance can make you push through a lot of pain!


The number one goal of training is to stay injury-free and arrive at the start line healthy. [.....]

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date: April 10, 2005

1989-1995 Ironman Champion, Mark runs, a online triathlon training system for athletes.

1989-1995 Ironman Champion, Mark runs, a online triathlon training system for athletes. 

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