The 5 Minute Rule of Training

author : Ontherun
comments : 3

Motivation can be hard to come by some days. Here are a few things I have learned to help stay focused.

We have all had them, days where we just do not want to get out of bed let alone do a workout. Inspiration can be hard to find some days. The most important thing I can suggest is to go for a 5 minute workout. Once you have started, one of two things will happen. The first is you will find your groove, and quite possibly have a very good workout. The other is the workout is just not going to happen. Going through the motions of getting set-up and dressed can be motivation in of itself.

Looking for some other ways to get going? Look into joining your local tri club. Many are listed hear at BT in the 'directory'. Still having trouble finding one? Ask your local bike shop and shoe store. They may have encountered a more then a few in their days. The reason I suggest this is that there is no substitue to a little social recreation. That is why you are a part of the BT community, right. Otherwise, a piece of paper would do the trick. Plus interacting with other athletes will help you learn things by watching and being watched. You may think your riding position and style is really good, but after 20 minutes in a group ride you may find some new ideas.

No tri clubs in the area? Do not be afraid to join a running team or cycling club. My tri club started as a spin-off of a local running club. We are still associated and growing together.

Swimming, biking and running not getting you excited anymore? Find a different sport to do for a change of pace. Maybe a trip to the ski slopes in the winter will be reinvigorating. A game of volleyball, what ever. Just staying active maintains the overall goal of fitness for most of us. Staying active is the key. Once the inertia sets in it is hard to stop. Just keep moving.

To me one of the greatest motivators is money. Register for a race. It does not even have to be a tri. I attempt to keep at least one race on the calender every 3 months to look forward to. Putting money down has a way of giving a little extra kick when the training goes stale. Consider a New Years Day swim or run in the winter (yes a few nuts swim in the winter in the north, just not for long). All races do not have to be for personal records, just a reason to get out an meet a few new people and catch up with some old friends.

My last reason to keep training is my most important, FAMILY. I started training to lose weight. I have no ambition to end up on oxygen at age 65. Time has a way of catching up fast and those innocent 3 pounds a year can take there toll. Over 10 years they add up to 30 pounds. I would love to say that I am losing weight, but just not adding it is enough to keep me moving.

So remember, just 5 minutes of workout, that is all you need to push yourself in the right direction.


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date: July 4, 2005


Father of two, devoted husband, Clydesdale, hope to become just an age grouper someday. Former nationally ranked triathlete (sounds better than it really is, but I like the sound of it). Competing in the 50-54 bracket this year. Have done a 1/2 Ironman tri, a marathon and a bunch of sprint and oly distance races. Member of BT since 12-1-03


Father of two, devoted husband, Clydesdale, hope to become just an age grouper someday. Former nationally ranked triathlete (sounds better than it really is, but I like the sound of it). Competing in the 50-54 bracket this year. Have done a 1/2 Ironman tri, a marathon and a bunch of sprint and oly distance races. Member of BT since 12-1-03

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